Конспект урока английского языка по сказке П.Бажова «Каменный цветок». 4 класс, 2 четверть.
Урок по сказке П.Бажова «Каменный цветок». 4 класс, 2 четверть.
Наталия Николаевна
учитель английского
языка ГБОУ Гимназия 1521
г. Москва
Тема: Урок по сказке П.Бажова «Каменный цветок». 4 класс, 2 четверть.
Цель: формирование навыков выразительного чтения на английском языке.
1) образовательная – познакомить учащихся с новыми лексическими единицами по теме; научить детей читать текст по ролям, научить детей исполнять песни на английском языке;
2) развивающая – развивать познавательные интересы учащихся; развивать логическое мышление и воображение, фонематический слух; совершенствовать произношение;
3) воспитательная – воспитывать внимательного читателя, формировать умение работать в команде, формировать навык самоконтроля и взаимоконтроля.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Оснащение урока: УМК «Startlight 4» часть 1, К.М. Баранова, Д. Дули, В.В. Копылова, Р.П. Мильруд, В. Эванс; интерактивная доска; иллюстрации по теме; раздаточный материал.
План урока
1. Организационный момент.
2. Основной этап урока.
2.1. Проверка домашнего задания.
T: Today we are reading “The Stone Flower”.
T: Let’s recall the events happened in the tale.
T: Look at picture 1 on the screen and answer the questions.
(Учитель демонстрирует иллюстрацию из учебника на экране – SB стр.68)
Who can you see in the picture? (Danila, Procopych, other craftsmen)
What is Danila showing the other craftsmen? (a vase)
Do the craftsmen like Danila’s vase? (Yes, they do)
Is Danila a genius? (Yes, he is)
What is the vase like? (It’s marvelous. It’s amazing. It’s wonderful. It’s fabulous.)
Does Danila like his vase? (No, he doesn’t)
What’s wrong with the vase? (It has no life. It has no soul. It’s cool and hard. It’s just a piece of stone.)
What does he want to find? (He wants to find the perfect stone to make a vase.)
2.2 Презентация новой лексики по теме.
а) фонетическая зарядка.
T: I want you to have some fun and make your tongues work hard. There are some tongue twisters on the screen for you. The images will help you guess right what I mean. Listen and repeat.
Mum must love us,
must love mum.
At your age you must be engaged.
Perfect girls search for a perfect pearls.
perfect girl searches for a perfect pearl.
Dan, you should marry Ann.
you should marry Dan.
married to Ann.
Dan’s wife.
married to Dan.
Ann’s husband.
б) речевая зарядка
T: Now look at picture 2 on the screen. (На экране иллюстрация из SB стр. 90)
T: Look and answer the questions.
Who does the picture show? (Danila and a girl)
What does the girl look like? (She has got long brown hair and dark eyes. She is wearing a beautiful dress.)
What is the girl like? (She is pretty, nice, kind, friendly, shy …)
Is she Danila’s wife or a girlfriend? (She is a girlfriend. She’s Danila’s wife.)
Has the girl got a ring on her right hand? (No, she hasn’t.)
Is she married? (No, she isn’t.)
Do they love each other? (Yes, they do.)
Are they married? (No, they aren’t.)
Are they engaged? (Yes, they are.)
в) лексико-грамматическая работа с текстом.
T: Do you want to find out what Danila is going to do? Open your SB at pp. 90-91. Listen and read the story to yourself (Track 56).
г) follow-up activity
T: Answer the questions:
What’s the girl name? (Katya)
Is Katya married to Danila? (No, she isn’t.)
Is she engaged to Danila? (Yes, she is.)
Does Danila want to marry Katya? (Yes, he does.)
Who wants Danila to marry Katya? (Procopych)
What does Danila want to make before he gets married? (He wants to make a beautiful vase for their home.)
д) vocabulary notes
T: There are some new words in the story. Look on the screen and copy them into your vocabularies.
T: Learn how to pronounce them. (Ученики произносят слова за учителем, за сильным учеником, выборочно.)
to be engaged – обручиться
get married – пожениться
search – искать
must –
should – следует
е) чтение текста по ролям
T: I hope you can read the text perfectly well. Now it’s time for acting out. I want you to read the role of Danila, the role of Procopych. One student reads the narrator’s part. (Во время чтения учитель дает комментарии)
ж) послетекстовые упражения
T: I hope the other students want to participate too. Let’s split into groups of two and complete the exercises in your Student’s Book (p. 91, ex. 1,2)
T: Act out the conversations between Danila and Procopych, Katya and Danila. (учитель спрашивает еще 4 пары)
T: You are really good actors and actresses. I’m very pleased with the way you are acting today.
T: Our lesson is coming to an end. I want to end it with a very nice song. I wonder what Danila is singing about? Look through the text and tell me if it’s really hard to do what Danila wants. (Danila is singing about the right stone to make a beautiful vase. He searches everywhere. There are hundreds of stones. But they are no good. It’s hard for him to find the right stone.)
T: Listen to the song. Memorise the tune, pretend to be Danila and sing the song along with your classmates. (Дети слушают песню. Track 57.)
3. Домашнее задание
SB стр. 90 - контрольное чтение, стр. 91 №1, 2 - чтение по ролям, №3 – песня наизусть.
4. Подведение итогов
T: We have learned some new words, practiced reading, acting out conversations, describing pictures and singing for pleasure. I’m very pleased with the way you were working today. I’ll give out special stickers with some stimulating words (Keep it up! Brilliant! Well done! You’re on the right track! Good job!) The lesson is over. Have a nice day!
УМК «Startlight 4» часть 1, К.М. Баранова, Д. Дули, В.В. Копылова, Р.П. Мильруд, В. Эванс
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Автор: Крукович Наталия Николаевна
→ NKrukovich 08.01.2013 0 6682 598 |
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