In the World of Magic: видеоурок для 6-10 кл.

In the World of Magic: видеоурок для 6-10 кл.

Сюжет: Magician of the millennium and a great entertainer, David Copperfield is the most commercially successful magician in the show history. Whether it was vanishing the Statue of Liberty, walking through the Great Wall of China or establishing the cause "Project Magic”, the great American illusionist has been a living legend and a huge crowd puller of all times. The tenth highest paid celebrity in the world is undoubtedly one of the wealthiest men in US. His spectacular illusion and artistry entertained crowd with unabashed amazement.
Жанр: документальный фильм (биография)
Уровень: pre-intermediate (6-10 классы)
Компоненты: Student's handout; Techer's copy (keys, new words);
Лексика по темам: Job and career; Magic
Рассчитано на: 1 урок
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Автор: Беньковская Арина Игоревна  Arybenna
04.02.2013 0 3029 897

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