Figure skating in Russia
Урок английского языка с привлечением видео материалов
Автор: Беньковская Арина Игоревна
Школа: лицей 488 (СПб)
Компоненты разработки: Распечатка с заданиями
Видео клипы
Тема: Фигурное катание (История фигуристки Елены Бережной)
Уровень: 8-11 классы
Краткая пояснительная записка
Данная разработка может использоваться как сопроводительный материал к теме “Спорт”, так и в качестве отдельного урока.
За основу взят репортаж о фигуристке Елене Бережной. Видео клип разделен на несколько частей, каждому соответствует определенное задание (номера клипов указаны в teacher’s copy)
Ссылки на видео:
Клип 1:
Клип 2:
Клип 3:
Клип 4:
Для скачки видео можно использовать следующий сайт:
Watch and complete the chart with the facts from figure skater’s life.
N ame:
Started her career:
Moved to …
Problems with a partner:
Sent to Russia in ….
Became friends with…
In 1996…
Consequences of the injury:
After recovery she moved to…
Listen and fill in the gaps:
E lena Berezhnaya has always …………………… more fragile than most. Growing up as a small girl in a smaller town in Russia’s ………………………………. ……………………………...
She was raised by her mother on a meager ……………………….. , but it was evident that at the early age Elena had a …………………. . She was an ………………………. skater. And in 1990 T.B. sent her only daughter to Moscow to ………………………………………… under the country’s skating elite.
Listen to the second part and fill in the gaps:
Their success was hiding a ………………………….. ……………………. Oleg’s insatiable drive for …………………………………………… on the ice was suffocating Elena.
He would say in practice: “………………………………………” and I was completely crashed. He did it very ………………….. and others started to notice. Any …………………… on Elena’s part set off a burning ………………………………………. inside Oleg. He began ……………………… Elena.
H e said that nobody would ………………………… me if I ever told anyone about it. And he started to hit me very often in practice.
Listen to the coacher’s speech and find grammar mistakes.
Teacher’s copy (with keys)
(Clip 1) Watch and complete the chart with the facts from figure skater’s life.
Started her career:
Moved to …
Problems with a partner:
Sent to Russia in ….
Became friends with…
In 1996…
Consequences of the injury:
After recovery she moved to…
(Clip 2) Listen and fill in the gaps:
Elena Berezhnaya has always …………………… (seemed) more fragile than most. Growing up as a small girl in a smaller town in Russia’s ………………. ……………….. (deep south).
She was raised by her mother on a meager ……………………….. (salary), but it was evident that at the early age Elena had a …………………. (talent). She was an ………………………. (extraordinary) skater. And in 1990 T.B. sent her only daughter to Moscow to ………………. (train) under the country’s skating elite.
(Clip 3) Their success was hiding a …………. …………………… (disturbing secret). Oleg’s insatiable drive for …………………… (perfection) on the ice was suffocating Elena.
He would say in practice : “………………………………………” (do it again) and I was completely crashed. He did it very ………………….. (rudely) and others started to notice. Any …………………… (mistake) on Elena’s part set off a burning …………………… (rage) inside Oleg. He began ……………………… (hitting) Elena.
He said that nobody would ………………………… (believe) me if I ever told anyone about it. And he started to hit me very often in practice.
(Clip 4) Listen to the coacher’s speech and find grammar mistakes.
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Автор: Беньковская Арина Игоревна
→ Arybenna 07.02.2013 0 4268 688 |
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