Child labour (8-11 кл.)

Child labour (8-11 кл.)

Урок английского языка с привлечением видео материалов

Автор: Беньковская Арина Игоревна

Школа: лицей 488 (СПб)

Компоненты разработки: Распечатка с заданиями


Видео клипы

Тема: Child labour (Детский труд в Африке)

Уровень: 8-11 классы

Краткая пояснительная записка

Данная разработка может использоваться как сопроводительный материал к теме “Jobs and career”, так и в качестве отдельного урока.

За основу взят репортаж BBC о детском труде в Африке. Видео клип разделен на несколько частей, каждому соответствует определенное задание (номера клипов указаны в teachers copy)

Ссылки на видео:

Клип 1:

Клип 2:

Клип 3:

Клип 4:

Клип 5:

Для скачки видео можно использовать следующий сайт:

  1. Match the pictures to the words:

Mines; digging; fee; protective equipment; copper; handful of food; child labour

2) Look at the map below and find the countries where child labour is widely used nowadays.

  1. (Clip 1) Watch the TV programme dedicated to the problem of child labour and answer the questions:

Which country is the report about? ; Where do they work? ; Why don’t they go to school?

4) (Clip 2) Watch the first part and fill in the numbers:

Number of child labourers around the world:

Child labourers under 14:

Child labourers in Africa:

Number of children who work in copper mine shown in the report:

Their age:

Money they earn a day: about:

5) (Clip 3) Watch and mark the sentences as true, false or doesn’t say. If the sentence is false, correct it.

Their day starts at 9 am.

Child labour is unofficial and badly organized in Congo.

The boys’ fist job is sifting away the dirt from pieces of copper.

He has been to school once and he doesn’t want to go there.

H e regrets that he earns little money.

He wants to be like grown-ups and earn a lot of money.

People in Congo have to pay for education.

6) (Clip 4) Listen and fill in the gaps with missing words:

In the cold light of ………………….. with few comforts and empty ………………….. it’s time for the young to …………………. another day.

“I’d like to be like children in ………………. ”, he says. “They go to school, I saw them on TV. But my father can’t pay my school …………………. That’s why my life is so ……………………..”

The older one get …………………….. more, so many of the organizers here prefer to ………………….. a child.

7) (Clip 5) Watch and answer the questions:

How do children work? Which protective equipment do they use?

Where does the money earned by children go to?

What are the boys searching for in the dirt?

What do they get after the day of work?

How many hours do they work a day?

Урок английского языка с привлечением видео материалов

Автор: Беньковская Арина Игоревна

Школа: лицей 488 (СПб)

Компоненты разработки: Распечатка с заданиями


Видео клипы

Тема: Child labour (Детский труд в Африке)

Уровень: 8-11 классы

Краткая пояснительная записка

Данная разработка может использоваться как сопроводительный материал к теме “Jobs and career”, так и в качестве отдельного урока.

За основу взят репортаж BBC о детском труде в Африке. Видео клип разделен на несколько частей, каждому соответствует определенное задание (номера клипов указаны в teachers copy)

Ссылки на видео:

Клип 1:

Клип 2:

Клип 3:

Клип 4:

Клип 5:

Для скачки видео можно использовать следующий сайт:

  1. Match the pictures to the words:

Mines; digging; fee; protective equipment; copper; handful of food; child labour

2) Look at the map below and find the countries where child labour is widely used nowadays.

  1. (Clip 1) Watch the TV programme dedicated to the problem of child labour and answer the questions:

Which country is the report about? ; Where do they work? ; Why don’t they go to school?

4) (Clip 2) Watch the first part and fill in the numbers:

Number of child labourers around the world: 218 million

Child labourers under 14: 166 million

Child labourers in Africa: 26.4%

Number of children who work in copper mine shown in the report: 800

Their age: 5-6

Money they earn a day: about $1

5) (Clip 3) Watch and mark the sentences as true, false or doesn’t say. If the sentence is false, correct it.

Their day starts at 9 am. (Doesn’t say)

Child labour is unofficial and badly organized in Congo. (F – highly organized)

The boys’ fist job is sifting away the dirt from pieces of copper. (T)

He has been to school once and he doesn’t want to go there. (F – he has never been there and wants to go)

H e regrets that he earns little money. (Doesn’t say)

He wants to be like grown-ups and earn a lot of money. (F – he wants to be like children in Europe)

People in Congo have to pay for education. (T)

6) (Clip 4) Listen and fill in the gaps with missing words:

In the cold light of ………………….. (morning) with few comforts and empty ………………….. (stomachs) it’s time for the young to …………………. (face) another day.

“I’d like to be like children in ………………. (Europe)”, he says. “They go to school, I saw them on TV. But my father can’t pay my school ………………… (fees). That’s why my life is so ……………………. (hard).”

The older one get …………………….. (paid) more, so many of the organizers here prefer to ………………….. (use) a child.

7) (Clip 5) Watch and answer the questions:

How do children work? Which protective equipment do they use? (None. They work with bare hands and feet.)

Where does the money earned by children go to? (to the organizers, to the country leaders, not to people)

What are the boys searching for in the dirt? (for pieces of copper)

What do they get after the day of work? (handful of food and hardly any money)

How many hours do they work a day? (12 hours)

Полный текст материала Child labour (8-11 кл.) смотрите в скачиваемом файле.
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Автор: Беньковская Арина Игоревна  Arybenna
07.02.2013 0 4158 567

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