Презентация "Political systems of Russia, Great Britain and the USA"

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“Political systems of Russia, Great Britain and the Автор: Коломиец Татьяна Николаевна USA” учитель англ.языка высшей категории МБОУ СОШ №23 г.Новороссийска
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Political Structure of Great Britain The Monarch is the official head of state the Prime Minister is the head of government; is the leader of the party with the majority seats in the House of Commons Parliament the House of Commons the House of Lords (about 650 elected MPs (over 1,100 permanent, members of Parliament) non-elected members; peers makes laws; (пэры, лорды) and discusses political life peers*) problems examines and revises bills The official Opposition from the House of Common PEOPLE  
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Political system of the USA Government In Britain a minister Parliament Congress the House of Representatives 435 members President In the United States Administration a secretary Congress the Administration the President appoints the Vice the Cabinet the Senate 100 members Secretaries as heads of the most important departments in the Administration THE PEOPLE
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Political system in Russia The President The Federal Assembly The Duma The Federation Government The Federal Government The Chairman of the Government, Ministers The Supreme Court of Russian Federation The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation All men and women over 18
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Political system of Krasnodar region The Governor The Head of the executive power The Executive Branch The Legislative Branch The Judicial Branch The Administration of Krasnodar Region The The Constitutional Cou The Regional Cour Legislative Assembly
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Questions for discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Do you think a politician should be power loving? Why? Why not? Some people say that a politician should be gifted. What is your opinion? Should a politician be risky? There is an opinion that a politician should be pliable. Do you agree? What kind of person can be an ideal politician – in your opinion? Do you know such people?
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Источники: http://www.forumkuban.ru/arxiv/2007/t kachyov.shtml - фото Ткачёва А.Н. http://suguborussia.ru/gde/krasnodarsk iy-kray - фото Краснодарского края

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Автор: Коломиец Татьяна Николаевна  Ла-Манш
16.02.2013 0 7631 1323

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