Планы уроков по английскому языку по теме "The Political and Economic Structure of the Republic of Belarus"

План практического занятия по английскому языку (устная практика). Обучение активной лексике.

Занятие 1.

Тема/проблема: The political and economic structure of Belarus

Речевые функции: giving information, expressing ideas, correcting each other.

Цели занятия:

  • учебный аспект: формирование знаний и первичных лексических умений и навыков;

  • познавательный аспект: овладение нормами речевого этикета и техникой общения друг с другом;

  • воспитательный аспект: формирование навыков совместной работы в паре/группе, развитие умения слушать и слышать друг друга;

  • развивающий аспект: развитие памяти, внимания, формирование ассоциативных связей, развитие умений использовать мимику и жесты.

Сопутствующие задачи: Совершенствование познавательных навыков, совершенствование навыков монологической речи.

Лексический материал: in conformity with, unitary, law-governed state, bearer, sovereignty, the core of sth., legislation, to exercise authority, the Council of Deputies, body, guarantor, rights and liberties, vest with, ensure stability, respective constituency, executive power, govern, put forward, legislative initiative, Under the Constitution, judicial power, jurisdiction, sustainable economic growth, economic growth rate, gross domestic product, enterprises, production facilities, mechanical engineering, metalworking, key company, specialize in, hauler, account for, municipal service, public catering company, fibre, petrochemical industry, tyre, oil processing industry, refinery, raw materials, insufficient domestic fuel resources, power installation, power generation.

Грамматический материал: “Stone -WallConstructions.

Оснащение: Раздаточный материал, доска.

Ход занятия


Задача этапа


Пед. модель

Время (мин.)

Начало занятия

Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения

- Good morning! I’m pleased to see you all. How are you today? Now, pleace, answer my questions.

1. How often do you listen to the news?
2. What do you know about the present-days position of this state in the world?
3. What do you know about the politicians of this state and the ways they work?
4. What can you say about the economy of the state?

Oh, you do know much about the republic we live in. But our aim today is to learn more about the political and economic structure of Belarus. About the power division and the state of modern economy.

You’ve got some information about the political and economic structure of this state during your lecture, you have been given vocabulary lists and now we’ll start practicing your new lexical material.

T > Cl.


Введение новых лексических единиц (ЛЕ)

Формир-е знаний и первичных лексических умений и навыков

- Let’s have a look at the blackboard. There are some new words from the text here. Let’s read the words and try to guess their meaning with the help of my examples or definitions. (Учащиеся повторяют слова, словосочетания и предложения за преподавателем, разбираются с переводом, преподаватель объясняет употребление, учащиеся анализируют части речи, для производных слов находят производящее).

T > Cl.


Автоматизация ЛЕ

Формирование активных лекс. навыков.

- Now, have a look at the new words once again. Have you remembered them? Let’s practice the usage of these words. Преподаватель даёт предложения и выражения на перевод с английского для тренировки лексики:

1. We must act in conformity with local regulations.

2. a single unitary authority for the whole region

3. This republic is a unitary law-governed state.

4. They see themselves as the bearers of Jewish tradition.

5. the defense of our national sovereignty

6. the core of her beliefs — суть её убеждений

7. to adopt / enact / pass legislation — принять закон

8. The people of this state exercise their authority through the Parliament.

9. Councils of Deputies consist of the representatives of different regions of the state.

10. autonomous bodies — органы самоуправления deliberative body — совещательный орган governing body — орган управления

11. Someone who promises to pay a debt if the person who should pay it does not is called a guarantor.

12. An English statute of 1689 guaranteed the rights and liberty of the individual subject.

13. The President of a state is vested with a lot of important functions.

14. We will ensure equal opportunities for all. — Мы твёрдо намерены обеспечить равные возможности для всех.

15. He represents the Essex constituency of this state.

16. The function of any legislature is law-making.

17. A group of people who have the power to make decisions is called an executive body/committee.

-- Now I’d like to pay your particular attention to some word combinations we use to describe the economy of a state and in some other cases:
automobile production, tractor sales, tyre maker and many others.

  • How would you translate them into Russian? (Преподаватель объясняет структуру “Stone-WallConstructions)


Stone-Wall” Constructions

Adjective + Noun

The verb agrees with the headword in the construction.

-- There are loads of examples of the “Stone-Wall” Constructions we use in our everyday life. Try to think up some examples.

To practice this phenomenon let’s do some exercises:

Exercise 1. Match the following words to make “Stone-Wall” Constructions:

1. economy a. Article

2. traffic b. Gap

3. election c. Student

4. newspaper d. Book

5. youth e. Union

6. generation f. Regulations

7. city g. Life

8. college h. Campaign

9. science i. Culture

10. trade k. Light

KEYS: 1f 2j 3h 4a 5i 6b 7g 8c 9d 10e

Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Present Indefinite form.

  1. This travel agency (open) at 9 am.

  2. College students (have to) pass a number of exams.

  3. The police station in this district (employ) new officers.

  4. The customs control (be) carried out by more than 50 officials.

  5. The traffic lights (change) every 30 seconds.

I hope that now you understand the meaning of the “stone-wall” constructions.

Now let’s work with the text about the economy and the political structure of Belarus.

(Учитель предлагает ученикам задание на карточках для запоминания ЛЕ: подстановочное, трансформационное упр-я).

- Now, let’s practice new words and do the following exercises. (Учитель раздает карточки). Затем все делают задание на перевод. Учитель задаёт учащимся предложения они предлагают свои варианты ответов.

T > Cl.

P > P


Активизация новых ЛЕ в чтении

Заключит. этап

Совершенствование новых лексических навыков

Выдача дом. Задан.

  • Now I’d like you to retell the text. First of all, retell us the part about the political structure of this state. The scheme on the blackboard will help you.

  • Now, the part about the economic structure of the state.

At home you’ll have to look through the words once more and to learn them.

- I’m delighted with your work today. Thank you, everyone. Your marks are…

Cl. > T

T > Cl.




The political and Economic Structure of Belarus

In conformity with the Constitution the Republic of Belarus is a unitary democratic social law-governed state with its citizens being the only source of state power and the bearer of its sovereignty. The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus is the basic law of the country. It is the core of the legal system of the state, the basis of all legislation. The people exercise their authority directly through the Parliament, Councils of Deputies and other bodies formed by means of local self-government.

The president of the Republic of Belarus is the Head of the State, the guarantor of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the rights and liberties of man and citizen. One of the main functions vested with the President is to ensure economic and political stability in the State. The National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus – Parliament – consists of two chambers: the House of Representatives and the Council of the Republic. The House of Representatives consists of 110 deputies who are elected in their respective constituencies and who represent interests of the citizens. The Council of the Republic is the chamber of territorial representation. The main function of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus is law-making. The government – the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus – is the central body of state administration in Belarus. It exercises the executive power in the state, governs the system of state. The Council of Ministers has the right to put forward legislative initiatives.

Under the Constitution the judicial power in the state belongs to courts. The judicial branch of power includes the Constitutional Court and a system of economic courts and courts of general jurisdiction.

Today Belarus demonstrates sustainable economic growth and financial stability. The economic growth rate has placed Belarus to the seventh position in the world.

Reforms toward a market economy have been suspended since 1994 in a government effort to maintain Soviet-style centralization. Most industries, including manufacturing and farming, are state owned and operated. In 1996 the private sector’s share of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) was estimated at 15 percent, the lowest of all Eastern European countries.

High average annual rates of inflation between 1991 and 1996 severely impeded economic growth and drove up prices for food and services. In the same period annual output declined in almost all sectors of the economy. The 2003 GDP of Belarus was an estimated $17.5 billion. Trade and other services accounted for 60 percent of GDP; industry, including mining and manufacturing, 30 percent; and agriculture and forestry, 10 percent.

Approximately 5.4 million people contribute to the economy of Belarus. Of the labor force, 35 percent are employed in industry; 21 percent in agriculture and forestry; and 40 percent in services such as trade and transportation. Unemployment is officially estimated at 3 percent, but underemployment and irregular wage patterns are common.


Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

  1. The Republic of Belarus is a u… d… s… l…-g… state.

  2. C… of D… are independent bodies of local self-government.

  3. Every individual has his (her) r… and l… and the state should guarantee their fulfillment.

  4. The main function of the National Assembly is l…-m… .

  5. The j… power in Belarus belongs to courts.

  6. Belarus demonstrates s… e… growth and financial stability.

  7. G… D… P… is the total value of all goods and services produced domestically by a nation during a year.

  8. There are over 20 thousand i… e… and production f… in Belarus.

  9. Chemical industry produces different a… and s… fibres.

  10. Belshina manufactures over 200 sizes of t… . It is a world-known t… - m… .

Exercise 2. Paraphrase the bold part of the sentences.

  1. Every citizen of this state who knows about traditions and customs, and makes sure that younger people learn them is a … of its sovereignty.

  2. The Constitution is the center of the legal system of the state.

  3. The Constitution is the basis of any legal system.

  4. The people control the state policy through the Parliament and other governmental bodies.

  5. The President is a guarantee (bail) of the Constitution of the state.

  6. The President must guarantee economic and political stability in the state.

  7. 110 deputies are elected in corresponding electoral districts.

  8. The Council of Ministers has the power to make decisions and to control the system of the state.

  9. Construction of automobiles and work with metal are the leading branches of our economy.

  10. BelAZ produces heavy trucks.

Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with prepositions, where it is necessary.

  1. We must act … conformity … the Constitution.

  2. The President is vested … some important functions in the state.

  3. The Council of Ministers has the right to put … legislative initiative.

  4. … the Constitution, the Republic of Belarus is a unitary democratic social law-governed state.

  5. MAZ specializes … heavy trucks production.

  6. Industry accounts … a third of the GDP.

Exercise 4. Discuss in pairs.

  1. Do you agree with the leading role of the Constitution of this state? Why?

  2. What are the basic functions of the President of the state? How important is the fulfillment of these functions?

  3. What factors influence the development of the national economy of this state? What positive tendency exists there in the economy of our country?

  4. What do you think about the political structure of this state? How does it correspond to the fulfillment of the rights and liberties the citizens possess?


План практического занятия по английскому языку (устная практика). Обучение монологической речи.

Занятие 2.

Тема/проблема: The political and economic structure of Belarus

Речевые функции: giving information, expressing ideas, correcting each other.

Цели занятия:

  • учебный аспект: развитие речевого умения монологического высказывания;

  • познавательный аспект: знакомство с экономической и политической структурами Беларуси и Российской Федерации;

  • воспитательный аспект: формирование эстетического вкуса, обучение речевому этикету;

  • развивающий аспект: развитие памяти, логического мышления, вероятностного прогнозирования связности построения устных высказываний.

Сопутствующие задачи: развитие умения аудирования, совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.

Лексический материал: in conformity with, unitary, law-governed state, bearer, sovereignty, the core of sth., legislation, to exercise authority, the Council of Deputies, body, guarantor, rights and liberties, vest with, ensure stability, respective constituency, executive power, govern, put forward, legislative initiative, Under the Constitution, judicial power, jurisdiction, sustainable economic growth, economic growth rate, gross domestic product, enterprises, production facilities, mechanical engineering, metalworking, key company, specialize in, hauler, account for, municipal service, public catering company, fibre, petrochemical industry, tyre, oil processing industry, refinery, raw materials, insufficient domestic fuel resources, power installation, power generation.

Грамматический материал: конструкции «Its hewho» и т.п .

Оснащение: Раздаточный материал, доска.

Ход занятия


Задача этапа


Пед. модель

Время (мин.)

Начало занятия

Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения

- Good morning! It’s very nice to see you all. How are you today? Last time we learnt a lot of new about the political and economic structure of the republic we live in. The aim of our today’s lesson is to learn more about each branch of the state power in Belarus about the prospects of Belarusian economic development and to compare our state with the existing economic and political structures of the Russian Federation. But in order to revive (refresh) your knowledge answer some of my questions:

1. How many branches of state power exist in Belarus?

2. Can you name these branches?

3. What is the main function of the President of the state?

4. What houses are represented in the Parliament of the state?

5. What power represent the courts in Belarus?

6. What is the leading branch of the Belarusian economy?

7. What problems connected with the fossil fuels exist in Belarus?

8. What industrial enterprises of Belarus deal with mechanical engineering?

Thank you for your answers. They were really very informative.

T > Cl.

Cl. > T.


Основной этап

Совершенствование знаний и лексических умений и навыков

- And now I’d like to distribute among you some texts which will help you to compare different aspects of state life in Belarus and in Russia. You have 7 minutes to get acquainted with the texts and to be ready with the tasks given.

Учащиеся получают карточки по следующим темам:

1. the Constitution;

2. Presidency;

3. Legislative branch;

4. Judicial branch;

5. Economy: gross domestic product;

6. Industry.

Все учащиеся должны сравнить Беларусь и Россию по данным вопросам. Кто готов, отвечает и получает новое задание.

T > Cl.

P > T


Практическое применение новой лексики

- Thank you for your reports. And now let’s play a little. Each of you will get a card with his or her role. The situation is: we all are the participants of the Belarusian conference with different state ministers on acute political and economic issues.

Учащиеся получают карточки со своими ролями и планом конференции. Проводится игра.

T > Cl.

P > P


Заключительный этап

Подведение результатов занятия

At home you’ll have to look through the words once more and to learn them.

- I’m delighted with your work today. Thank you, everyone. Your marks are…

(Учитель подводит итоги работы учащихся, комментирую выставляемые отметки).

T > Cl.


Card 1

Economy of Belarus: Gross Domestic Product

the Gross Domestic Product in Belarus increased by 8.3 in the year of 2007.
However, some economic branches had lower achievements than forecast in January 2008. The list of outsiders included agriculture, investment policy and construction.

Gross Domestic Product of Belarus 1999 - 2006




$80.74 billion


$73.09 billion


$70.50 billion


$62.56 billion


$90.19 billion


$84.80 billion


$78.80 billion


$55.20 billion

Economy of Russia: Gross Domestic Product

Russia's GDP, estimated at $1,250 billion at 2007 exchange rates, increased by 8.1% in 2007 compared to 2006. Continued low inflation and strict government budget led to the growth, while lower oil prices and ruble appreciation slowed it.

This is a chart of trend of gross domestic product of Russia at market prices estimated by the International Monetary Fund with figures in millions of Russian Rubles.


Gross Domestic Product

US Dollar exchange



4.55 Rubles



28.13 Rubles



28.27 Rubles

As of 2005, oil industry and related services account for atleast 40 per cent of the gross domestic product of Russia

COMPARE GDP of BELARUS AND RUSSIA. Use all the words which are marked for you!!!

Card 2

Industry of Belarus

In the Soviet period, Belarus specialized mainly in machine building and instrument building (especially tractors, haulers, machine tools, and automation equipment), in Computers and electronics industry and in agricultural production. In 2002 industry in Belarus accounted for approximately 51 percent of GDP. Belarus's economy has been affected by decreased demand for military equipment, traditionally an important sector.

Industry of Russia

Russia is one of the most industrialized of the former Soviet republics. However, years of very low investment have left much of Russian industry antiquated (to make obsolete or old-fashioned) and highly inefficient. Besides its resource-based industries, it has developed large manufacturing capacities, notably in machinery. Russia inherited most of the defense industrial base of the Soviet Union, so armaments are the single-largest manufactured goods export category for Russia. Efforts have been made with varying success over the past few years to convert defense industries to civilian use.


Compare the modern state of industry in Belarus and Russia. Use all the words that are marked for you. For more information about Belarusian industry use your text.

Card 3

Judicial Power in Belarus

The judicial power in Belarus belongs to courts. The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus is the highest court in Belarus. While other courts deal with issues of civil or criminal matter, the Constitutional Court deals with matters involving the Constitution and the legality of certain laws passed by the Government. The court has the powers to declare any law unconstitutional. The court that deals with criminal law matters is the Supreme Court of Belarus. Six judges of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus shall be appointed by the President of the Republic of Belarus and six judges shall be elected by the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly. The Chairperson of the Constitutional Court shall be appointed from among the judges by the President with the consent of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly.

Judicial Power in Russia

The Ministry of Justice administers Russia's judicial system. The ministry's responsibilities include the establishment of courts and the appointment of judges. The highest courts of Russia are called the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court and the Superior Court of Arbitration.

Supreme Court is Russia's highest court of origination and of appeals for consideration of criminal, civil, and administrative cases.

The Superior Court of Arbitration, which is headed by a board of one chairman and four deputy chairmen, is the highest court for the resolution of economic disputes. Courts of arbitration also exist at lower jurisdictional levels.

The nineteen-member Constitutional Court decides whether federal laws, presidential and federal decrees and directives, and local constitutions, charters, and laws comply with the federal constitution. Treaties between the national government and a regional jurisdiction and between regional jurisdictions are subject to the same oversight. The Constitutional Court also resolves jurisdictional disputes between federal or local bodies of power, and it also may be asked to interpret the federal constitution.

Under the constitution, judges of the three highest courts serve for life and are appointed by the Federation Council after nomination by the president. The president appoints judges at the next level, the federal district courts.

COMPARE THE MAIN FUNCTIONS OF the Judicial branches of power IN BELARUS AND RUSSIA. Use all the words which are marked for you!!!

Card 4

Legislative branch of power in Belarus

Legislative branch in Belarus is represented by the Parliament or the National Assembly. The National Assembly itself is divided into two houses, the lower House of Representatives and the upper Council of the Republic. While each house has its own rules on how members are elected, members decide on the various bills that could become Belarusian law and also approve the nominations of cabinet heads that are chosen by the President. The main function of this branch or state power is law-making.

Legislative branch of power in Russia

Legislative branch in Russia is represented by the two chambers of the Federal Assembly: the State Duma and the Federation Council . They possess different powers and responsibilities, with the State Duma the more powerful. The Federation Council deals primarily with issues of concern to the subnational jurisdictions (вопросы местного значения). As the upper chamber, it also has responsibilities in confirming and removing the procurator general and confirming justices of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, and the Superior Court of Arbitration, upon the recommendation of the president. The Federation Council also is entrusted with the final decision if the State Duma recommends removing the president from office. In the consideration and disposition of most legislative matters, however, the Federation Council has less power than the State Duma.

COMPARE THE MAIN FUNCTIONS OF THE Legislative branches of power IN BELARUS AND RUSSIA. Use all the words which are marked for you!!!

Card 5

Presidential Powers in Russia

The President of Russia is the Head of State and highest office within the Government of Russia. Executive power is split between the President and the Prime Minister, who is the Head of Government.

The Constitution lays upon him the responsibility for defending the Constitution, human rights and civil liberties, safeguarding (Syn. maintain, preserve, retain) Russia’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and ensuring the coordinated functioning and cooperation of the state bodies of power. His main task is to preserve and protect the rights and liberties of the Russian people, which are granted under the Constitution of Russia. The President is tasked to determine the domestic and foreign policy of the Russian government. The President is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. The President resolves problems on issues in immigration. The president appoints and recalls Russia's ambassadors upon consultation with the legislature, accepts the letters of recall of foreign representatives, conducts international talks, and signs international treaties.

Presidential Powers in Belarus

Article 79 of the Constitution of Belarus gives the status of the Head of state to the President of the Republic of Belarus. He is also considered the guardian (defender) and the guarantor of the Constitution and the rights and freedoms of those who claim Belarusian citizenship. The President conducts foreign or internal affairs and shall be the main representative when dealing with other nations or international organizations. The President is also entrusted with the safety, prosperity and stability of the country and acts as an intermediary (посредник) between the bodies of the national government.

While he is elected by the Belarusian people, the president must not be a member of a political party when he or she assumes office. Official duties are listed in the Constitution, such as the president being the commander-in-chief of the Belarusian Armed Forces. The tasks of the president including executing foreign and domestic policy, defend the rights and general welfare of citizens and residents and to uphold (Syn. to maintain, affirm, defend) the Constitution. The president is mandated by the Constitution to serve as a leader in the social affairs of the country and to act as its main representative abroad.


Card 6

The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus

The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus is the ultimate law of Belarus. It was adopted in 1994, three years after the country declared its independence from the Soviet Union. The 1994 constitution declares Belarus a unitary, democratic, social, law-governed state. This formal document establishes the framework of the Belarusian state and government and enumerates the rights and freedoms (the rights and liberties) of its citizens. In the Constitution, the concept of separation of powers was introduced. State power is divided among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. In the amendments (поправки) approved by the Belarusian populace (syn. people), the power of the presidency over the government was increased. The Constitution also establishes Belarusian and Russian as the official languages of the country.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation

The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by national voting on December 12, 1993. The previous Constitution (which was adopted in 1977 by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR) ensured weaker privacy guarantees. The 1993 constitution declares Russia a democratic, federative, law-based state with a republican form of government. State power is divided among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The 1993 constitution created a dual executive consisting of a president and prime minister, but the president is the dominant figure. Russian is proclaimed the state language, although the republics of the federation are allowed to establish their own state languages for use alongside Russian.


Compare the Constitutions of the states. You should cover the following points:

  1. The time of adoption;

  2. What kind of republic the state is (in conformity with the Constitution);

  3. State power division;

  4. The role of the President;

  5. State languages.



You are a Chairperson at the conference. Your task is to announce the subject-matter of the conference and the main items on the agenda. You should also ask the ministers about the topical problems of the state.
1. ask the Minister of Economy about the difficulties in energy supply and about the leading branches of the modern economy;
2. ask the Home Secretary (
министр внутренних дел) about the power division in this state;

3. let the journalists ask their questions.

Thank the participants of the conference.

You are a Minister of Economy. Your task is to make a short report on the difficulties in energy supply and about the leading branches of the modern economy.

You are a Home Secretary (министр внутренних дел). Your task is to make report on the power division in this state.

You are a journalist who is interested in the politics of this state. You’ve got an opportunity to ask the ministers of this state about some important political issues.

You are a journalist who is interested in economy. You’ve got an opportunity to ask the ministers of this state about some important economic problems of the country.

You are a distinguished guest from Russia who is interested in the situation in Belarus. Ask your colleagues about some political or economic issues. You may compare Belarus with Russia.

You are a Chairperson at the conference. Your task is to announce the subject-matter of the conference and the main items on the agenda. You should also ask the ministers about the topical problems of the state.
1. ask the Minister of Economy about the difficulties in energy supply and about the leading branches of the modern economy;
2. ask the Home Secretary (
министр внутренних дел) about the power division in this state;

3. let the journalists ask their questions.

Thank the participants of the conference.

You are a Minister of Economy. Your task is to make a short report on the difficulties in energy supply and about the leading branches of the modern economy.

You are a Home Secretary (министр внутренних дел). Your task is to make report on the power division in this state.

You are a journalist who is interested in the politics of this state. You’ve got an opportunity to ask the ministers of this state about some important political issues.

You are a journalist who is interested in economy. You’ve got an opportunity to ask the ministers of this state about some important economic problems of the country.

You are a distinguished guest from Russia who is interested in the situation in Belarus. Ask your colleagues about some political or economic issues. You may compare Belarus with Russia.


Discuss the following problems:

  1. the fulfillment of the constitutional power division in the state;

  2. the most acute economic problems;

  3. energy problems, dependence on the world oil prices and the problem of fossil fuels.


План практического занятия по английскому языку (устная практика). Обучение диалогической речи.

Занятие 3.

Тема/проблема: The political and economic structure of Belarus

Речевые функции: giving information, expressing someone’s ideas; giving an opinion; giving reasons; correcting each other;.

Цели занятия:

учебный аспект: развитие речевого умения монологического высказывания;

познавательный аспект: знакомство с экономической и политической структурами Беларуси и Российской Федерации;

воспитательный аспект: формирование эстетического вкуса, обучение речевому этикету;

развивающий аспект: развитие памяти, логического мышления, вероятностного прогнозирования связности построения устных высказываний.

Сопутствующие задачи: развитие умения аудирования, совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.

Лексический материал: in conformity with, unitary, law-governed state, bearer, sovereignty, core, legislation, to exercise authority, the Council of Deputies, body, guarantor, rights and liberties, vest with, ensure stability, respective constituency, executive power, govern, put forward, legislative initiative, Under the Constitution, judicial power, jurisdiction, sustainable economic growth, economic growth rate, gross domestic product, enterprises, production facilities, mechanical engineering, metalworking, key company, specialize in, hauler, account for, municipal service, public catering company, fibre, petrochemical industry, tyre, oil processing industry, refinery, raw materials, insufficient domestic fuel resources, power installation, power generation.

Оснащение: раздаточный материал, схемы, доска.

Ход занятия:


Задача этапа


Пед. модель

Время (мин.)

Начало занятия

Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения

- Good morning! It’s very nice to see you all. How are you today? Last time we learnt a lot of new about the political and economic structure of the republic we live in. In order to revive (refresh) your knowledge of the lexical material pronounce the words I give you. (Преподаватель называет русские слова, учащиеся дают их английские эквиваленты, особое внимание на произношение.)

Well done!!! And now let’s return to the text. Your task is to think up a question based on the text and to address it to someone.

And now answer some of my questions:

  1. How do the people of the state exercise their authority in the state?

  2. What bodies of state government can you name?

  3. What is the main problem with the energy supply in Belarus?

  4. What place on the international arena does Belarus posses in terms of its economic performance?

  5. What Belarusian enterprises do you know? What do they specialize in?

Thank you for your answers. They were really very informative.

T > Cl.

Cl. > T.


Основной этап

Совершенствование знаний и лексических умений и навыков

- And now I’d like you to think up a situation. You will be given a card with some words on it. Try to devise a context in which all the words will be used.

Все учащиеся получают карточки с заданиями. На подготовку 5-7 минут. Выслушиваем всех по очереди.

T > Cl.

P > T


Практическое применение новой лексики

- Thank you for your stories. And now let’s work in pairs. You have to make up dialogues based on the topic “The political and economic structure of Belarus”. Some stimuli are given to you on your cards. (Раздать карточки со стимулами к беседе. Учащиеся рассказывают составленные диалоги, меняются ситуациями и речевыми партнёрами.)

- And now we will write a small self-check. (Учащиеся получают отдельные карточки с переводом по теме.)

T > Cl.

P > P



Заключительный этап

Подведение результатов занятия

At home you’ll have to look through the words once more and to learn them.

- I’m delighted with your work today. Thank you, everyone. Your marks are…

(Преподаватель подводит итоги работы учащихся, комментирую выставляемые отметки). Your home task is to write 10 questions of different types to the texts you’ll be given. (Раздать тексты для домашнего задания.)

T > Cl.


Карточки для устного высказывания

Card 1

In conformity with, courts of general jurisdiction, respective constituency, territorial representation, rights and liberties.

Card 2

Power and heating generation installations, municipal services, public catering companies, sustainable economic growth, the Constitution.

Card 3

Tyre maker, mechanical engineering, enterprise, branch, trading, hauler.

Card 4

Power division, exercise executive power, legislation, economic growth rate, vulnerable to.

Card 5

Financial stability, economic growth rate, energy price fluctuations, satisfy home demand, prospecting joint venture.

Card 6

To be represented by, raw material, insufficient domestic fuel resources, home demand, artificial fibre, a key company.

Card 7

Oil processing industry, Oil Refinery, gross domestic product, exercise authority, metalworking.

Карточки со стимулами к беседе

Dialogue 1

Discuss with your partner the development of oil processing industry in this state.

Dialogue 2

Discuss with your partner the variety of the rights and liberties every citizen possesses in this state. What legal documents ensure this rights?

Dialogue 3

Discuss with your partner the problems connected with the fossil fuels in this state and the problems of energy supply.

Dialogue 4

Discuss with your partner the existing joint ventures on the territory of this state.

Карточки с переводом.

Card 1

  1. Согласно подписанному договору, страна должна будет оплатить все расходы (costs).

  2. Государство по-прежнему находится в экономическом кризисе и зависит от иностранных инвестиций.

  3. «Белита» и «Витекс» являются ведущими компаниями на беларуском рынке по производству косметики. Компании постоянно улучшают качество производимого товара м специализируются на выпуске экологически чистого продукта (ecologically pure product).

  4. Компания «Газпром» обязана осуществлять контроль за поставкой газа в Европу через территорию Украины.

  5. По Конституции республика Беларусь является унитарным правовым государством.

Card 2

  1. Африканские племена являются живыми носителями первобытной (primeval) культуры в современном мире.

  2. Беларуский рынок ещё очень нестабилен (unstable) и крайне чувствителен ко всем изменениям цен на мировом рынке.

  3. Совет депутатов принял решение запретить митинг запланированный на выходные.

  4. Раздел II Конституции Республики Беларусь гарантировать всем гражданам соблюдение всех прав и свобод.

  5. Арнольд Швардцнегер вот уже на протяжении нескольких лет управляет штатом Калифорния.

Card 3

  1. Суть данной концепции заключается в том, что язык рассматривается как система знаков.

  2. Министерство было уполномочено разработать новый проект разработать новый проект по увеличению ВВП в стране на 2008 год.

  3. Каждый избирательный округ может выдвинуть не более двух кандидатов.

  4. Недостаточные внутренние топливные ресурсы вынудили нашу страну согласиться на повышение цен на газ со стороны России.

  5. Коммунальные услуги оплачиваются гражданами ежемесячно.

Card 4

  1. Предприятия общественного питания находятся под постоянным контролем государства.

  2. Ведущими и прибыльными индустриальными отраслями в стране по-прежнему остаются машиностроение и металлообработка, но правительство планирует выделить дополнительные средства на развитие нефтеперегонных заводов и нефтеобрабатывающей промышленности.

  3. По законодательству РБ безработные получают ежемесячные пособия.

  4. Все органы власти имеют свои функции в системе управления государством.

  5. Основной функцией Парламента является законотворчество.

Card 5

  1. Взаимопонимание (mutual understanding) между странами является гарантом успешного сотрудничества и спокойствия (public tranquillity)в мире.

  2. Власть любого государства традиционно разделена на три ветви: законодательную, исполнительную, судебную. Вместе они гарантируют функционирование всех органов в стране.

  3. На протяжении последних 15-ти лет в государстве наблюдается устойчивый экономический рост во всех отраслях народного хозяйства.

  4. По своим темпам экономического роста РБ занимает лидирующее место среди других стран бывшего СССР.

  5. Завод по переработке использованных (utilized) шин был переоборудован (re-equiped) в совместное беларуско-шведское предприятие искусственных волокон.

Тексты для домашнего задания

Separation of Power under the British “Constitution”

Under the British Constitution the Government functions through the following bodies:

  • The Legislature, the main function of which is law-making;

  • The Executive, which puts laws into effect and plans policy;

  • The Judiciary, which decides on cases that arise out of the law.

Britain doesn’t have a very strict division and separation of powers.

The legislative branch is Parliament where laws are passed; the executive is the cabinet of the government and the judiciary is the Law Lords and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council who have a final say on legal issues.

The Prime Minister is an active member of the legislative.

Also the Lord of Chancellor is a member of the cabinet and therefore of the executive as well as being head of the judiciary.

The House of Lords also has a right to vote on bills so they are part of the legislative but the Lords also contains the Law Lords who are important part of the judiciary.

As with the Parliament Membership, the members of the Cabinet are also members of the legislative who have the right, as a Member of Parliament, to vote on issues.

Therefore, there is a merging of roles in the British model. Some have argued that this is neededfor flexibility in a modern society.

Economic performance of England and Scotland


The economic performance of the nine English regions, and sub-regions within them, varies quite considerably. For example, Inner London has had the highest level of Gross Domestic Product per head in the European Union for a number of years, even though it also contains some of the worst pockets of deprivation in the UK.

In terms of tourism England accounts for some 85 % of all overseas visitors in the UK (over 25 mln. in 2000) and around 90% of overseas visitors’ spending (about 12.75 bln. in 2000).


In the last 50 years the Scottish economy has moved away from the traditional industries of coal, steel and shipbuilding. Extraction of offshore oil and gas, growth in services and, more recently, developments in high-technology industries (such as chemicals, electronic engineering and information technology) have taken their place. Manufacturing still remains important, however, and Scotland’s manufacturing exports in 2000 were valued at 18.3 bln.

Separation of Power under the American Constitution

The Constitution of the United States is the source of government authority and the fundamental law of the state.

Under the Constitution power was further divided among the three branches of the national government: legislative (the Congress), executive (the President), judicial (the Supreme Court). Each was given its own authority.

These three powers established a so-called system of the checks and balances. This system gives each branch the means to restrain the other two. For example, the President has the power to veto acts passed by Congress, but the Congress may override the veto by a two-thirds majority. But the Supreme Court has the power to declare Acts of Congress (or of any State legislature) or the actions of a President to be illegal (or unconstitutional) if they are in conflict with the Constitution.


Занятие-мастерская с элементами ролевой игры по теме “The Political and Economic Structure of the Republic of Belarus”.

Заключительное занятие по теме.

Тема/проблема: The political and economic structure of Belarus;

Речевые функции: expressing someone’s ideas; giving an opinion; giving reasons; correcting each other;

Цели занятия:

учебный аспект: контроль владения лексическим материалом по теме, развитие умения использовать лексический материал в различных речевых ситуациях;

познавательный аспект: знакомство с экономической и политической структурами Беларуси и других стран мира;

воспитательный аспект: обучение речевому этикету, воспитание толерантности к другим культурам;

развивающий аспект: развитие памяти, логического мышления, вероятностного прогнозирования связности построения устных высказываний.

Сопутствующие задачи: развитие речевого умения монологического высказывания, развитие умения аудирования, совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.

Лексический материал: in conformity with, unitary, law-governed state, bearer, sovereignty, core, legislation, to exercise authority, the Council of Deputies, body, guarantor, rights and liberties, vest with, ensure stability, respective constituency, executive power, govern, put forward, legislative initiative, under the Constitution, judicial power, jurisdiction, sustainable economic growth, economic growth rate, gross domestic product, enterprises, production facilities, mechanical engineering, metalworking, key company, specialize in, hauler, account for, municipal service, public catering company, fibre, petrochemical industry, tyre, oil processing industry, refinery, raw materials, insufficient domestic fuel resources, power installation, power generation.

Оснащение: компьютерная презентация, раздаточный материал, схемы, карты стран, доска.


Задача этапа


Пед. модель

Время (мин.)

Начало урока


- Good morning, students! It’s very nice to see you all. How are you today? Today we have our final class on the topic «Political and economic structure of Belarus». So our task is to revise all lexical material. Your home task for the lesson was to make projects on the topics you were given a week ago. In some minutes we’ll start checking up your projects, but now let’s play a bit. Each of you will get a card with his or her role. The situation remains: we all are the participants of the Belarusian conference conducted by the Prime Minister of Belarus. The rest of you are different Ministers. Your words will be given to you; the only problem is that they are in Russian. So lets start!!!

Учащиеся получают карточки со своими ролями, словами и планом конференции. Проводится игра.

T >Gr.



Основной этап

Практическое применение знаний по теме

- And now it’s high time to check up your projects, but we’ll do it in the form of a role-play based on your projects.

ATTENTION!!! Ladies and gentlemen, we all are the participants of the annual meetings of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and of global political and business elites. Let me introduce … she (he) is a Chairperson at the Conference. Each of you is a Representative of a particular state. The flags on your desks will help us to understand the state you represent.

The states are:

  1. Belarus;

  2. Russia;

  3. The United Kingdom;

  4. The USA;

  5. Canada;

  6. Australia;

  7. Germany.

The Chairperson will let you speak and you introduce your projects to us according to the plan you were given as your home task. So, the Chairperson, you are welcome!

(Председатель Конференции получает план своего выступления, представляет всех участников с помощью электронной презентации, затем в определённом порядке даёт слово всем участникам конференции, которые представляют свои домашние заготовки. После выступления всех Председатель подводит итог Конференции, благодарит участников и закрывает первый день Давоса.)

T> Gr.



Заключительный этап

Подведение результатов урока

- I’m delighted with your work today. Your projects were really exhaustive. Thank you, everyone. Your marks are

(Преподаватель подводит итоги работы студентов, подробно комментирует каждый из представленных студентами проектов, выставляет отметки).

T > Gr.


Карточки для игры

Вы – премьер-министр Беларуси.

-- Добрый день, уважаемые коллеги! Наша конференция сегодня посвящена проблемам политического и экономического развития нашей страны в последнее десятилетие. Первым пунктом на повестке дня (on the agenda) является вопрос политической культуры населения нашей страны. Я бы хотел(а) обратиться к Министру внутренних дел (Home Secretary). Население страны до сих пор часто не осведомлено (informed) в вопросах политической структуры нашего государства. Что Вы можете сказать по этому вопросу?

Министру внутренних дел (Home Secretary).

-- Мне хотелось бы сообщить, что вопрос политического образования населения очень серьёзно встал в последнее время. Мы проводим различные программы, направленные на решение этого вопроса: вводим специальные курсы в школьные программы, отправляем специалистов на предприятия и т.д.

Премьер-министр Беларуси.

-- Не могли бы Вы сейчас для всех присутствующих вкратце рассказать о политической структуре Беларуси?

Министру внутренних дел (Home Secretary).

-- Конечно. Власть в нашем государстве разделена на три ветви: законодательную, исполнительную и судебную. Законодательная власть представлена в стране Парламентом (Национальным Собранием), который состоит из верхней и нижней Палат: Палаты Представителей и Совета Республики. Палата Представителей состоит из 110 депутатов, которых выбирают в соответствующих избирательных округах. Эти депутаты представляют интересы населения в Парламенте. Совет Республики является палатой, в которой представлены все области государства. Основной функцией законодательной ветви власти является законотворчество. Судебной властью в стране обладают суды: Конституционный суд, суды общей практики, экономические и другие суды. Исполнительная власть в стране принадлежит Советам Министров и Президенту РБ. Президент нашей страны является гарантом Конституции, прав и свобод граждан страны. Он наделён важными функциями по обеспечению экономической и политической стабильности в государстве.

Премьер-министр Беларуси.

-- Спасибо за Ваше ответы. А сейчас обратимся к Председателю Конституционного суда (Chairperson of the Constitutional Court). Расскажите нам о Конституции нашего государства и о том, какие право и свободы она гарантирует населению Беларуси.

Председатель Конституционного суда (Chairperson of the Constitutional Court).

-- Конституция РБ является основным законом нашего государства, основой законодательства Беларуси. В соответствии с Конституцией, Беларусь является унитарным демократическим социальным правовым государством. Конституция также гарантирует определенный права и свободы гражданам нашей страны. Среди основных прав и свобод можем назвать следующие: право на жизнь, на труд, на равную защиту прав и интересов, право самостоятельно определять свое отношение к религии, право на отдых, право на жилище и другие права. Конституционный Суд следит за соблюдением всех этих прав и свобод. Он является верховным судом Беларуси, который следит за тем, чтобы все законы Парламента и Президента издавались в соответствии с Конституцией РБ.

Премьер-министр Беларуси.

-- Спасибо за Ваши ответы. А сейчас обратимся к вопросам экономики. Давайте послушаем отчет Министра экономики о темпах экономического роста нашей страны.

Министр экономики.

-- В настоящее время Беларусь демонстрирует устойчивый экономический рост. По показателям темпов экономического роста наша страна входит в десятку стран с высокими показателями. Мы можем также говорить о росте ВВП. Если сравнивать этот показатель в 2000 и 2007 годах, мы увидим положительный рост. ВВП вырос на 8.3 процента. Такому росту мы во много обязаны (obliged (+ to + Infinitiv)) развитию промышленности в государстве. Беларуская промышленность включает в себя более 100 ветвей. Наиболее процветающими в настоящее время являются машиностроение и металлургия. Однако нашей первостепенной задачей сейчас является развитие нефтяной промышленности.

Премьер-министр Беларуси.

-- Говоря о вопросах нефтяной промышленности, хотелось бы обратиться к Министру иностранных дел с вопросом о продлении (extension) договора с Россией о продлении поставок (delivery) нефти и газа в нашу страну по льготным ценам (reduced price).

Министр иностранных дел.

-- Вопрос остается до сих пор полностью нерешенным. А Беларусь по-прежнему остается зависимой и чувствительной к постоянным колебаниям цен на нефть и природный газ на мировом рынке. Переговоры с Россией продлены. Рассматриваются также вопросы строительства в нашей стране новых совместных предприятий с Российской федерацией: нефтеперегонного завода и други. Сейчас этот вопрос находится на рассмотрении (on approval) Министерства финансов нашей страны. А Россия в это время заключила с машиностроительными предприятиями соглашение на поставку (delivery) партии (lot) автомобилей и шин наших производителей в отдельные регионы России.

Премьер-министр Беларуси.

-- Вопросы импорта нашей продукции в страны СНГ очень важен. Какая продукция приносит больший доход в экономику государства? Я обращаюсь к Министру торговли (President of the Board of Trade).

Министр торговли (President of the Board of Trade).

-- Продукция машиностроения по-прежнему остаётся наиболее востребованной (in demand) на мировом рынке. Автомобили Минского автомобильного завода и Беларуского автомобильного завода в Жодино очень популярны в России, на Украине и в других странах СНГ. МАЗ специализируется на производстве грузовиков, оборудования для дорожных работ и других транспортных средств. Завод в Жодино специализируется на производстве оборудования для добывающей промышленности. Минский тракторный завод поставляет на международный рынок свою продукцию. МТЗ является одним из восьми самых крупных предприятий мира по производству тракторов и их поставку (delivery) на мировой рынок. Наше оборудование для предприятий общественного питания и коммунального хозяйства также является конкурентоспособным.

Премьер-министр Беларуси.

-- Спасибо! А как обстоят дела в нашем жилищно-коммунальном секторе (housing and communal services) нам расскажет Министр жилищно-коммунального хозяйства.

Министр жилищно-коммунального хозяйства ( Minister of housing and communal services).

-- Беларусь отлично снабжена энерго- и отопительными установками, их достаточно, чтобы удовлетворить внутренний спрос страны. Однако из-за недостаточных внутренних топливных ресурсов страна вынуждена импортировать природный газ, нефть и уголь, что делает экономику страны зависимой от международных цен на эти ресурсы и чувствительной к колебаниям цен на энергию. Поэтому первостепенной задачей нашего министерства является создание условий для функционирования и развития новых отраслей в коммунальном секторе нашей экономики.

Plan of your project:

1. General information about the state:

1.1 status of the state;

1.2 how well developed the state is.

2. Explain the power division in the state:

2.1 the main branches of state power;

2.2 the leader of the state (the President, the Monarch) and their functions;

2.3 state government (the main bodies);

2.4 the main legal documents (the Constitution and so on).

3. Economy of the state:

3.1 the leading branches of the state economy;

3.2 GDP of the state;

3.3 trading relations with other states;

3.4 fossil fuels and energy supply of the state.

4. Conclusion: future orientation of the state.

Примерный план выступления ПРЕДСЕДАТЕЛЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ.


- Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! I would like to thank all the participants for joining the annual meetings of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and of global political and business elites which is held on … of March through to April 1st of this year in the beautiful mountain surrounds of Davos Switzerland. I believe, it will be through your participation that the conference will be a success. Let me introduce all the participants of this year conference:

  1. Belarus;

  2. Russia;

  3. The United Kingdom;

  4. The USA;

  5. Canada;

  6. Australia;

  7. Germany.

All the states are the permanent members of the Conference. The first day of the Conference is devoted to the topic of “Political and economic structures of the members-participants”. Let us listen to the report of the UK. (Выступает представитель Соединенного Королевства).

Затем по очереди пригласить остальных участников, которые представляют свои проектные работы. Каждому на выступление не более 4 минут.

Заключительная речь:

- The conference took an integrated, multidisciplinary approach when addressing the different kinds of questions related to political and economic structures of the states. Davos 2008 addressed a broad range of problems connected with these spheres of social lives.

Please find the information presented at the conference on this website. We are pleased to announce the next Conference on the same issue will be held in Harbin, China from August 21 - 25th 2009. Please download the following flyer for more information.


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Автор: Толкач Юлия Ивановна  Yulya
07.12.2009 0 5203 903

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