Reported Speech (8 класс)

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Grammar Study: Reporte d Speech Ne xt
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We use the Reported • speech: When we are telling someone what another person said or thought, but do not use their exact words. For example Mark said that he wanted to live in London. Ne xt
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Please, note that: • Quotation marks are not used in reported speech. • Verb tenses, pronouns and some “time” and “place” words may change because the time, place and speaker may be different. • When we report a statement, we use reported verbs such as say, tell, explain, inform, answer, decide, etc. often followed by that. Ne xt
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• In reported –wh questions, we use the whword + the subject + the verb. • We do not use the interrogative form of the verb – do, does or did. • As it is an indirect question no question marks are used • When we report requests, orders, advice or warnings we use verbs such as advice, ask, beg, tell, order, etc, followed by an infinitive. Ne xt
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Verb tense changes: Direct Reported • speech • speech Present simple Past simple • Past Simple • Present • continuous Present • Past Perfect • Past Pastcontinuous perfect • perfect Present perfect • continuous Future Past perfect continuous Conditional Ne xt
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Place changes Direct Reported speech speech here there This place • That place Ne xt
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Time changes Direct Reported • speech • speech now then Today / tonight • This morning • yesterday • Tomorrow The day before • The following • day The month • Last month That day / that night • That morning before Ne xt
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Personal Pronouns changes Reported Direct • speech • speech I He, she you we • Me • You Him, her • Him, her, us, • them them • Us I, she, he, we, they • they Ne xt
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Possessive Pronouns changes Reported Direct speech • speech my His, her your our mine yours ours • My, his, her, our, their • their His, hers • Mine, his, hers, ours, theirs Mine, his , hers, ours, theirs,
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Автор: Махова Екатерина Сергеевна  Kerry
12.04.2013 1 6788 1550

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