"Trying to become a successful person", 8 класс

Урок английского языка

Автор: Дворак Надежда Владимировна, учитель I квалификационной категории ГБОУ г. Москвы СОШ №968.

Урок разработан с использованием технологии «Развитие критического мышления через чтение и письмо»

Используемые стратегии и приемы: стратегия «Зигзаг», приемы «Синквейн», «Кластер», эссе.

Класс: 8

УМК: основной учебник – Enjoy English 8, Биболетова М.З., дополнительное пособие - Laser B1

Тема: «Trying to become a successful person».


  • образовательная: способствовать формированию у учащихся отношения к успеху; понятия успешный человек;

  • развивающие: развивать умения обобщать, сравнивать и систематизировать полученную информацию; навыки перевода текста в графический вид, навыки самопрезентации, работы в группе; развивать языковую догадку, аналитические способности учащихся ;формирование универсальных учебных действий на основе использования инновационных видов деятельности (приёмов «Синквейн», «Кластер», стратегии «Зигзаг»);

  • воспитательная: способствовать развитию культуры взаимоотношений при работе в группах; способствовать правильному пониманию понятия «успешность»;

  • практические задачи:

- активизация лексических знаний;

- развитие умений чтения (с извлечением основной информации);

- формирование и развитие умений устной речи по теме (монологическая речь);

- развитие навыка письма;

Оборудование: тексты для чтения (3 вида), записи на доске, бумага формата А3, А 4.

Организационная часть


Беседа о погоде.

Сообщение темы урока: Today we are going to read and discuss the texts about successful people and prepare to write an essay on the topic.

  1. Стадия «Вызов».

Прием «Синквейн».

1. We are going to speak about success. Look at the phrases, fill in the missing letters and make up a few sentences on the topic of our lesson.


to make prod_cts







2. Задание учащимся.

Составьте, пожалуйста, синквейн. Ознакомьтесь с правилами написания синквейнов.

1строка – название темы.

2 строка – описание темы (2 прилагательных).

3 строка – характеристика темы через действие (3 глагола).

4 строка – фраза, выражающая отношение автора синквейна к теме.

5 строка – одно слово-синоним к теме.



hardworking, successful

to work, to learn, to risk

you must work hard


На столе учителя находится 3 текста, распечатанных на разноцветных листах бумаги (3 цвета: каждый из 3-х текстов распечатан на листах определенного цвета). Учитель предлагает учащимся взять любой текст и объединиться в группы так, чтобы у одногруппников были все тексты (разного цвета). Так учащиеся объединяются в кооперативные группы.

II. «Смысловая стадия»

Стратегия «Зигзаг»

Учащиеся снова объединяются в группы (экспертные) по следующему принципу: у всех в группе должен быть один и тот же текст (текст одного цвета, приложение).

Задание: прочитайте, пожалуйста, текст и представьте его в удобной для вас графической форме. Установите связи между смысловыми блоками текста и подготовьтесь к презентации в кооперативных группах результата своей работы в качестве экспертов. Работая в экспертных группах, вы должны договориться о единой форме представления результата своей работы (схема/ таблица/кластер).

Учащиеся читают тексты в экспертных группах и составляют схему/таблицу/кластер, после чего возвращаются в свои кооперативные группы и докладывают одногруппникам изученный материал по составленной схеме/таблице/кластеру. После этого они получают задание составить на листах формата А3 общий кластер, отражающий весь изученный на уроке материал.

III. Стадия «Рефлексия»

Прием «Кластер».

  1. Составление совместно с учителем общего кластера/таблицы на доске.

  2. Подготовка к написанию эссе.

Teacher: Your time is up. Let’s work together. What are we going to talk about?

Pupils: We are going to talk about the secrets of their success.

Teacher: What does success mean to them?

Pupils: Success means doing something that makes them happy. Some of them have a talent. They like their job. Their families help them. They learn a lot and work hard.

Teacher: How ambitious are they?

Pupils: They are very ambitious people.

Teacher: What does success mean to you?

Teacher: We were active today. So, we’ve done a great work. Can we use this cluster? Can it help us to write an essay? Try to write an essay on this statement: « Some people think that to be a success you need talent; others believe that hard work can compensate for the lack of it».

Домашнее задание

Write an essay. What is your opinion? Write 200- 250 words. Use the following plan:

  • make an introduction(state a problem)

  • express your personal opinion and reasons for it

  • give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you disagree with it

  • draw a conclusion

Some people think that to be a success you need talent; others believe that hard work can compensate for the lack of it.

What is success? People define this notion in many different ways. Success may mean the achievement of what one wants or intends, a high position in society, one's job, course or sport. Some people believe that success is connected with the amount of money they earn. But quite a lot of people don't know what they need to be successful.

To my mind, if you want to succeed, you must work hard. Even the most talented person will never be successful if he or she is lazy. All successful people face a number of challenges at the beginning of their career. They have to overcome many difficulties, but they don't give up. At last their persistence leads to success. Success always goes hand in hand with hard work and great efforts and one often faces a lot of obstacles, troubles, disappointment and failure on the way to success.

However, some people think that if a person is not talented, he or she will hardly succeed. As a rule ordinary people have ordinary lives. No matter how hard they work, they can never get results. People who are not talented, but industrious usually become good workers, but they are not likely to make great discoveries or to invent something that can revolutionize the world. But 1 still believe that one must be hard-working, patient, and strong-willed if one wants to be successful.

In conclusion, I would like to add that people are successful if they use all their talents and work hard in order to improve the world and to make it a bit better

Приложение №1


Текст 1

Mary: I opened my first shop in 1969 after a visit to India. I had been working in a clothes shop in Wales as a shop assistant and I loved it. I enjoyed serving the customers, helping them decide on clothes and giving them advice about what looked good on them. I also knew I had a talent for mathematics. I was determined to be a successful businesswoman and I just wanted to find the right idea for opening my own shop. I took a flight to India, hoping to find what I was looking for there.

I was pleased to find wonderful, beautifully coloured clothes in India and they were all very inexpensive. I bought enough to open a small shop in the Welsh town I lived in and sold everything in just two weeks! Well, I immediately arranged for more clothes to be sent to me, and that was how I started Delhi Clothes.

Two years later, I decided to open another shop with different kinds of clothes. This time I went to Africa and travelled by coach and ship. I wanted to enjoy travelling for a bit, so I did that before I went in search of new clothes.

When I finally arrived in Africa, I was really impressed by the beautiful material they had. The colours were extremely bright. I decided to send some to Britain and have clothes made out of it there. That's what I did. In 1972 I opened Nairobi Clothes in Bristol, England.

After that, I felt I had really achieved my dream, but because the shops were doing so well, we opened two more, one in London and one in Surrey. From there it just took off and now there are 200 shops in Britain, 60 in Europe and 100 in America. I'm retiring soon and my daughter will continue the business. She loves the work too, so I expect our clothes shops to be around for a long time.

Текст 2

Victoria Branston

Victoria Branston has made a fortune running the successful company Branston's. She told Richard Markham how she did it.

With 800 Branston's stores in over 60 countries, Victoria Branston is a symbol of success and a multi-millionaire. She's also known for her political and ethical views: Branston's doesn't stock any products that are made through child labour or in sweatshops. I asked Victoria Branston how she got started and what made her so successful.

'I wasn't a very good student at school,' says Victoria. 'I'm not the kind of person who enjoys studying. I prefer to learn through practical experience. So I left school at 16 with basically no qualifications. But I wasn't lazy. I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to see the world, find out how other people live and try and make a difference to

their lives in some way.' As a result, Victoria packed her bags and spent three years in South America and another year in Singapore. 'They were four fantastic years,' she remembers. 'I met so many people doing their best in such difficult circumstances. I became determined to help them.'

It wasn't until she returned to the UK, however, that she made up her mind exactly how she was going to make a difference. 'I'd seen so much poverty abroad,' she says, 'and saw so much wealth in the UK that I decided to start a business that would use workers in Third World countries to make products, but would pay them a decent wage for doing so. It just seemed like the obvious thing to do.' Not everyone agreed, though. Most people told her she would never succeed.

Despite the predictions of failure, the first Branston's store opened in London in 1988. Within three years, there was one in every high street. 'It was a very exciting time. Suddenly, people began to take my ideas seriously. And I think I sent a message to a lot of people that you really can achieve so much if you try. I think people were choosing to shop at Branston's because they wanted to support our ethical policy, but also because they wanted to be part of this fantastic success story.'

And because of this, of course/Victoria Branston has become a very wealthy woman. I asked her if she still has ambitions or if she has already achieved everything she wanted to. 'No, not at all! There are still loads of things I want to do. I'd rather not say what they are, though, as I don't want anyone stealing my ideas. You'll see soon enough!'

Текст 3

Sweet success

Most 15 year olds spend their time on things like homework, seeing friends and playing computer games. Very few of them open their own factory. That's exactly what Louis Barnett has done, though, and it looks like he could be on the way to huge success.

Louis has just opened his own chocolate factory in. Bridgnorth in the UK. When he was four or five, he would often help his mum make cakes and his interest in food started there. As he grew up, he became more and more interested in food and where it comes from. Then he got a small chocolate, •machine, taught himself how- to make chocolates, and took the first steps on the road to his own business.

In the beginning, he used the machine to make chocolate for family and friends. He would pour the chocolate into a mould, which gave the chocolate different shapes, and he learnt a lot about the whole process of making chocolate. Gradually, he began to make more and more and started his own company, Chokolit. People from two large UK supermarkets, which have stores in areas all over the country, tried his chocolates and decided that their customers would like to buy them. With his chocolates on supermarket shelves, Louis needs to produce more than he is capable of at the moment, so he has had to open a factory.

His success is even more surprising when you know that he has dyslexia, which means that he has a lot of problems reading and writing. In fact, he hasn't been to school since he was 11 years old. Instead, he was taught at home by a tutor, Jan. Now, Jan is employed by Louis to work at the factory, and so are his mum and dad.

Phil Barnett, his father, left his job and put his money into Louis's business. Louis and his family know> that it's a big risk, but he's determined to make a success of it.

Приложение №2


Стратегия «Зигзаг» - стратегия взаимообучения.

Кластер – это графический систематизатор знаний учащихся, раскрывающий взаимосвязь между объектом изучения и другими объектами и явлениями.

Синквейн – слово французского происхождения, обозначающее «пять строк». Правила написания синквейна:

Первая строка заключает в себе одно слово (обычно существительное или местоимение), которое обозначает объект или предмет, о котором пойдет речь. Во второй строке – два (чаще прилагательные или причастия), которые дают описание признаков и свойств выбранного в синквейне предмета или объекта. Третья строка образована тремя глаголами или деепричастиями, описывающими характерные действия объекта. Четвертая строка – фраза из четырёх слов, выражающая личное отношение автора к описываемому предмету или объекту. В пятой строке – одно слово, характеризирующее суть предмета или объекта. Синквейн – это не способ проверке знаний. У него другая задача, более универсальная: на определённом этапе учебного занятия определить ассоциации обучающихся.

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