Слайд 1
Welcome to Tatarstan
Зиннатуллина Э.И., уч
английского язык
Соловьева Е.А., учи
английского язык
МБОУ Гимназия № 50,
Зиннатуллина Э.И., учитель английского языка,
Соловьева Е.А., учитель английского языка,
МБОУ Гимназия № 50, г.Казань
Ролевая игра: «Культурное наследие Казани глазами участников Универсиады».
Участники Универсиады едут в поезде.
В поезде
Проводница : Dear passengers, we’ll be in Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan, in 5 minutes. Today is the 10th of June. The weather is sunny and warm. The t0C is 200C .
(Марш Сайдашева+слайд)
На вокзале гостей встречают в нац. костюмах с чак-чаком.
Гид: Welcome to Kazan. We are glad to see you.
Регина: Thank you!
Полилог : знакомство на вокзале.
В гостинице
Артур: Here is our hotel. (слайд)
Борис: Welcome to our hotel. Can I help you?
Регина: Rooms have been reserved for us. We are volunteers.
Борис: Wait a minute. Your rooms are on the 7th floor. There are single and-double rooms. And you can choose any you like.
Эля: Is there a restaurant here?
Борис: There is a restaurant on the 1st floor.
Регина: Thank you. Let’s have lunch.
В ресторане (2 слайда)
Аделина: Hello
Ромина: Hello. Is this table vacant?
Аделина: Yes. It’s vacant.
Ромина: May I have a menu, please.
Аделина: Here you are.
Ромина: Thank you. May I have something from national dishes?
Аделина: I can recommend you our special dishes: peremyach, chack-chack.
Ромина: Oh, I know! It is a meat pie, filled with peppered meat and little bits of
onions. It is usually fried. It’s very delicious! Thank you.
Экскурсия по городу
Регина: And now we invite you for an excursion. Meet our guides.
Гид: Welcome to our city. I propose you to make an excursion and to see the sights of our city. Let’s start.
Гид: (слайды)
Kazan has a very rich artistic and cultural heritage. There are a lot of state museums of history, literature and arts in Kazan.Annual festivals present various styles and schools in arts: Opera festival named after F. Shalyapin, R. Nuriyev’s festival, K. Tinchurin Theatre festival, Jazz Crossroads festival, the international festival of modern music “Europe-Asia”.
Гид: The heart of Kazan is the Kremlin (слайды)
Near the Kremlin you can see the Yarmarochnaya square. Here you can take part in our national festival Sabantuy.
Аделина: And what is this festival?
Гид: (слайды)
Татарский танец
Гость: Your cultural and sports life is very rich.
Гид: Yes, you are right. Early Tatars were well-trained in running, shooting, horse-riding, wrestling. Today Tatarstan is the land of well-developed sportsmen. Our Olympic champions are known all over the world.
Гость: Yes, you are absolutely right! Your “Ak Bars” and “Rubin” are very popular in our country.
Артур: Our excursion is over. Good luck! ( все хлопают)
Гость: Thanks. It was very interesting. We have a present for you: our favourite song. (песня)
Иванова Л.Ф., Сабирова Д.Р., Гарипова Ж.Н. Английский язык Welcome to Tatarstan. – Казань: Издательство ТАИ, 2007.
Абдуллин Я .А., Алишев С.Х., Гильманов З.И. История Казани. – Казань: Татарское кн. из-во,1998.
Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners – international student edition; Macmillan, 2005.
Автор: Зинатуллина Эльмира Идиятулловна
→ Зиннатуллина 04.09.2013 1 3470 423 |
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