Конспект обобщающего урока по английскому языку "Welcome to America!"

Автор: О.Ф. Неизвестных, учитель английского языка,

МОУ «Новоигирменская СОШ №3»

п.г. т. Новая Игирма,

Нижнеилимский р-н,

Иркутская область

Из опыта работы по УМК «Happy English 2» для 7-9 классов, авт. Т.Б. Клементьева

Тема: Обобщающий урок по теме "Welcome to America!"

Практические цели:

  • активизировать в речи учащихся лексические единицы по теме;

  • учить учащихся высказывать собственное мнение;

  • развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

  • развивать навыки аудирования, чтения;

  • тренировать умение составлять диалог-знакомство по ситуации;

  • развивать навыки подготовленной и неподготовленной речи.

Образовательные цели:

расширение общего кругозора; расширение эрудиции учащихся.

Воспитательные цели:

формировать у учащихся уважение и интерес к народу страны изучаемого языка, воспитывать культуру общения

Развивающие цели:

развивать языковые, интеллектуальные способности, готовность к коммуникации


фотомонтаж об Америке, самолет, знаки в самолете, картинки к тексту, звездочки, фишки.


  1. Приветствие. Greeting.

Т: Good morning, dear friends! I am glad to see you. How are you today? I think

everything is OK. Are you ready to start our work?

  1. Warming up.

T: I want to draw your attention to the blackboard where the quotation from John Clark is written: "He that travels far knows much". I think, these words can be themotto of our lesson. Let's try to prove that J. Clark is right.

What do you think about his words? How do you understand them? Whats your opinion?

Учащиеся обмениваются мнениями:

I think... helps to study foreign languages

To my mind... helps us to make friends

In my opinion... helps us to learn about traditions and customs

It seems to me... helps us to learn about culture

No doubt... develops our imagination

develops our outlook

gives us movement

gives us adventures

gives us knowledge about the country

Pi: I think it is true. Travelling develops our outlook.

P2: to my mind, if you visit different countries, you get acquainted with traditions and customs of these countries.

Р2: to my mind, if you visit different countries, you get acquainted with tradition and customs of these countries.

Рз: No doubt travelling develops our imagination.

P4: Travelling is exciting, because it gives us adventures.

P5: In my opinion, travelling gives us movement.

Ре: I think travelling gives us knowledge

P7: No doubt travelling helps to study foreign languages

Ps: In my opinion travelling is great and exciting, you can see a lot of interesting place buildings, museums and so on.

P9: When you travel, you meet different people and make friends. It's great to have many friends in foreign countries.

T: Let's summarize everything you have said:

P: To my mind, travelling is exciting, because when you travel you have a chance to change your style of life, to visit new places of interest, you learn more about traditions and customs of this place. When you travel, you meet different people and make friends. Travelling abroad helps you study foreign languages speaking with native people. In general, travelling develops our outlook.

T: Why did I begin our lesson from these words?

P: Maybe we shall travel today?

T: Yes, you are right. Today we shall make a trip to America.

  1. I am your group leader. Let's go to the airport in Moscow

  1. Now we are in the airport. Open your books at page 48

  2. Read the signs, which you can see in the main lobby.

T Cl, Р1Д3...

  1. What signs you can see in the airport. Well done!

T: I see, you know all the signs and I hope you will not have problems in the airport

  1. T: Let's go to our plane "Boing - 747"

  2. T: Let's go aboard!

Welcome aboard! Your seats are in the non-smoking section!

  1. Ситуация(you are sitting next to American boys and girls Make up a dialogue and act out!)

(сначала повторить выражения из диалога "OntheAirplane" стр.16 - это место 22 А?

  • Я думаю, да.

  • Извините, вы сидите на моем месте.

Как тебя зовут?

  • Приятно познакомиться.

Откуда ты?

  • Я был на каникулах в Москве.

Это было интересно.

  • Куда ты летишь?


  • В каком ты классе?

  • Смотри! Мы летим над океаном!

  • Ты хорошо говоришь по-английски. Спасибо.

(ученики разыгрывают диалоги в парах)

  1. Т: Ladies and Gentlemen! This is the pilot speaking.

I'd like to welcome you aboard Delta Flight 31 non-stop to John Kennedy airport. Our flight will be 45 minutes. Please sit back and enjoy your flight!

  1. What do you know about America?

(дети работают в группах. Дается 2-3 минуты на рассказ об Америке кто больше составит предложений? Well, I see you know much about America. It will be interesting to learn more about country.

  1. T: Ladies and Gentlemen! This is the stewardess speaking. The pilot has turned off the sign "Fasten seatbelts", (прием валеологии)

  2. Аудирование текста"People from around the World"

around the world - вовсеммире

chopsticks - палочки

raise - поднимать

sip - прихлебывать

important - важный

cow - корова

sacred - священный

soft drinkбезалкогольный напиток

Listen to me! Try to understand! "People from around the World"

It's no secret that people from around the World eat different kinds of food. It is important to know what people eat and donrt eat, what people drink and don' ink, when they travel by plane.

Japanese passengers eat meals with chopsticks. How do they eat soup? They raise the plates and sip!

People from India don't eat beef, because cows are sacred in India.

English people pike tea very much.

And what about children? American children drink Diet Coke, English children prefer Coca-Cola light and kids from Europe drink soft drinks.

TrueorFalse?(раздаются карточки с предложениями)

  1. What do you like?

  2. What do you prefer?

  • Dear friends! We have arrived in N.York. Let's go to the Customs>! Работа с диалогом"At Customs"p.l9

  1. отработка слов

  2. нахождение предложений с новой лексикой

  3. прослушивание кассеты

  4. чтение по ролям

  5. ответы на вопросы

  6. проигрывание диалога

Well done! Great! You've worked very well, I'am pleased with your work. nk, our trip was interesting!

  1. What would you like to visit (see, go) in America?

Домашнее задание

Список использованной литературы

1. Т. Б. Клементьева и Д. А. Шэннон – HappyEnglish 2

2. А. С. Любченко – Нестандартные уроки английского языка в школе

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Автор: Неизвестных Ольга Фёдоровна  ТимОльга
02.10.2013 0 2922 485

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