Проверочная работа по английскому языку "Сады, парки" к учебнику Биболетовой М.З. для 5-6 классов

Романенкова Ольга Леонидовна

Учитель английского языка

МАОУ СОШ № 45 г.Калининград

Yellowstone National Park

A national park Yellowstone is a large piece of land. In the park animals are free to come and go. Trees and plants grow everywhere. People go to a national park to enjoy nature. Many people stay in camping places in national park. They sleep in tents and cook their food over campfires. They also walk on trails or paths in the park. On a gate at the entrance of Yellowstone, a sign says “For the Benefit and Enjoyment of the People”.

Yellowstone is the world’s oldest national park. It became a national park in 1872. It is also the world’s largest park. It covers parts of the states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. Yellowstone is two-and-a-half times the size of the smallest state, Rhode Island.

Yellowstone is famous for its geysers. These holes on the ground shoot hot water into the air. There are about seventy geysers in the park. The most famous is Old Faithful.

Two-and-a-half million people visit this beautiful park each year. Park rangers give information to visitors. They also take care of the park. They tell visitors not to pick the flowers.

They also tell them not to feed or hunt the animals.


I. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова:

  1. People go to a national park to enjoy…..

A. people B. nature C. animals

  1. There is a sign an a…..

A. visitor B. gate C. house

  1. Yellowstone is famous for its……

A. visitors B. geysers C. bears

  1. Park rangers……..of the park.

A. feed B. take care C. are afraid

  1. Visitors cannot…….the animals

A. hunt B. pick C. catch

II. Закончите предложения:

  1. Yellowstone covers parts of……

A. Wyoming and Montana

B. Wyoming, Montana and Idaho

C. Rhode Island

  1. Yellowstone has…..

A. twenty geysers B. seventy geysers C. about seventy geysers

  1. Geysers shoot hot water into the…..

A. ground B. air C. tree

  1. The most famous geyser is……

A. Old Faithful B. Old Hundred C. Old Chap

  1. Park rangers give ……..to visitors

A. flowers B. information C. direction

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Полный текст материала Проверочная работа по английскому языку "Сады, парки" к учебнику Биболетовой М.З. для 5-6 классов смотрите в скачиваемом файле.
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Автор: Романенкова Ольга Леонидовна  olga-rom1975
02.10.2013 0 4245 688

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