Урок по английскому языку "How do we use computers"; 7 класс

Конспект урока по английскому языку для 5 класса по УМК Биболетовой М.З. учителя Дементьевой Ольги Олеговны МОУ «Школа №222» г. Заречный Пензенской обл.

Тема: «How we use computers».

Цель: формирование развитие навыков говорения (монологическая речь).



- способствовать развитию культуры взаимоотношений в парах, группах;

- содействовать развитию интереса к иностранному языку;

- содействовать развитию культуры речи;


- создать условия для отработки умений в говорении, восприятии речи на слух;

- расширить кругозор учащихся;

- актуализировать знания о составляющих частях компьютера;

Развивающие: - развитие языковой догадки;

- создать условия для развития памяти, внимания, воображения;

- создать условия для коммуникативных навыков через работу в группах (монологическая речь);

Оборудование: - учебник;

- дидактические материалы (карточки);

I. Х о д у р о к а

I. Организационный момент

- Good morning, my dear boys and girls. Sit down, girls and boys.

- Who is on duty today? How are you?

II. Постановка цели урока

На доске вывешены картинки с частями компьютера.

Let’s continue speak about means of communication. Look at the board. You see pictures and words on it. Your task is to match pictures and the words. For example: I take the card with the word A SCREEN and place it under the picture of the screen. And now your turn.

a system unit

a keyboard

a mouse

a monitor

a diskette

a screen

a mouse pad

a disk

  • Good of you! Thank you. And now please complete my sentences with these words.

  1. For typing words we need … (a keyboard)

  2. We need it to see the pictures. (a screen, a monitor)

  3. It lies on a mouse pad. (a mouse)

  4. A device for storing info which is put into a CD-ROM(a disk)

  5. It is a place where a mouse lies (a mouse pad)

  • Well, what do you think we are going to speak about? Computer!

  • Ok. Remember your life experience to guess what these pictures are about.

У.показывает картинку. Дети: для отправки. У.: Let’s see how it looks in English: for sending messages. Please, open your exercise-books and write it down with me. Предупредить, что тетрадь нужно положить горизонтально и записывать слова по кругу, как на доске. Отступить сверху 5 клеток.

  1. for sending messages

  2. for working

  3. for studying

  4. for playing computer games

  5. for listening to music

  6. for searching for information

  7. for communication

  8. for making calls

  9. for watching films

Таким образом, на доске получается ассоциаграмма.

for sending messages

for working

  • And now tell me what our topic is. (How we use computers) Озаглавить схему.

  • Let’s say how we use computers. For example:

  1. We use computers for sending messages.

В ассоциаграмме появляется центр. круг: We use computers

рисуем линию от центра к соотв.кругу.

And now your turn.Дети выходят к доске.

  1. We use computers for working.

  2. We use computers for studying.

  3. We use computers for playing computer games.

  4. We use computers for listening to music.

  5. We use computers for searching for information.

  6. We use computers for communication.

  7. We use computers for making calls.

  8. We use computers for watching films.

III. Физкультминутка.

T: It’s the time to have a rest.

Look left, look right,

Look up, look down,

Look around.

Look at your nose, look at that rose.

Close your eyes, open,

Wink and smile.

IV. Закрепление учебного материала.

- Open your books at page 27 ex.85. Let’s work in pairs. You see 4 texts and 5 titles on the board. You are to match texts and their titles. Look through the texts and give each text a title. Дети читают тексты и сопсотавляют названия с текстами.

1. Boys opinion about computers.

2. Girl’s opinion about computers.

3. Parent’s positive opinion about computers

4. Parent’s negative opinion about computers.

5. Teacher’s opinion about computers.

- Now read the text once again and find the main idea.

1. computers for hobby and for studies.

2. computers for playing games

3. computers substitute friends and relatives.

4. computers are a waste of time.

-And now let’s work in small groups. I have 4 cards with a situation. I give a card to each group. In groups you discuss the situation and one pupil speaks aloud. For example: the first situation is you are a programmer. How you use computer. You say that you use computer for work, for searching for information. Other groups listen to the speaker and mark what the speaker has said.

Situations: 1. You are a programmer.

2. You are a pupil.

3. You are a manager.

4. You are a teacher.

Группа обсуждает, как можно использовать компьютер в данной ситуации. Один из группы озвучивает их решение. Другие группы отмечают в бланках, ответы говорящего(см.Приложение).

  • Good! And Have we got something else to add to the table?

V. Рефлексия.

- Children, what should we have learnt today?

- How we use computer.

- And now you tell me whether you understand everything or not. If you feel that you understand well, show me green cards. If you feel that you need my help then show me yellow card. And if you didn’t understand anything, show me red card.

- Your homework will be to make up a monologue about how you use a computer.

a system unit

a keyboard

a mouse

a monitor

a diskette

a screen

a mouse pad

a disk

You are a programmer.

You are a pupil.

You are a manager.

You are a teacher.

  1. We use computers for sending messages.

  2. We use computers for working.

  3. We use computers for studying.

  4. We use computers for playing computer games.

  5. We use computers for listening to music.

  6. We use computers for searching for information.

  7. We use computers for communication.

  8. We use computers for making calls.

  9. We use computers for watching films.

  10. We use computers for hobby.

  11. We use computers for making new friends.

  12. We use computers for learning languages.

  1. We use computers for sending messages.

  2. We use computers for working.

  3. We use computers for studying.

  4. We use computers for playing computer games.

  5. We use computers for listening to music.

  6. We use computers for searching for information.

  7. We use computers for communication.

  8. We use computers for making calls.

  9. We use computers for watching films.

  10. We use computers for hobby.

  11. We use computers for making new friends.

  1. We use computers for learning languages.

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Автор: Дементьева Ольга Олеговна  olik2706
04.12.2013 0 3352 587

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