Презентация по английскому языку по теме " Tag questions"для 7 класса

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? ? ? ? ? ? QUESTIONS TAGS GRAMMAR LESSON 7th form ? ? ? ? ? ? Учитель английского языка ГОУ ЦО 1158 ЮАО г.Москвы БЕЛОЗЕРОВА ИРИНА ЮРЬЕВНА
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What is a tag question? don’t they? They work at the travel agency, do they? Boys don’t wear dresses, •A tag question is a short question added to the end of a positive or negative statement.
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How are they formed? Normally a positive statement is followed by a negative tag + You and I are going to the party, - aren't we? and a negative statement is followed by a positive tag - + You aren't English, are you?
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!The statement and the tag are always separated by a comma. He doesn't want to come with us , does he?
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! Treat any statements with nothing, nobody etc like negative statements. - + He never complains, does he? + I see nobody here , do I?
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The verb in the statement should be the same tense as the verb in the tag. You'll be there, won't you? Future Simple Maggie failed, didn't she? Past Simple We've already seen that movie, haven't we? He has lunch, I can do this well , doesn’t he? can’t I? Present Perfect Present Simple Modal verb
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Remember the verbs in some tag questions! Let’s go to We Who? the café! Let’s go to the café, shall we? Buy tickets, will you? Buy Who? You! tickets!
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Remember the verbs in some tag questions! I am a teacher! I am not a student ! BUT! I am a teacher, aren’t I ? I am not a student, am I ?
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Remember the verbs in some tag questions! She has a pet, hasn’t she? have –в значении «владеть»
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Remember the verbs in some tag questions! Let him turn on the light, will \ won’t you? ( Who?-You)
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Remember the verbs in some tag questions! There are some people on the beach, aren’t there? There is/there are aren’t there/isn’t there?
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Remember: intonation is important! • If you are sure and don’t expect an answer, your voice goes down. The lesson is over, isn’t it? • If you aren’t sure and you expect an answer, your voice goes up The lesson is over, isn’t it?
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Источники информации • 1.Грамматические правила и примеры – учебник Move Ahead 1 Grammar( unit8), Printha Ellis,Macmillan 2002 • 2.Картинки -http://nova.rambler.ru/pictures • 3.Личная фотография

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Автор: Белозерова Ирина Юрьевна  whitelake
03.03.2010 9 13450 3591

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