Разработка урока по английскому языку "Музыкальный клуб", 8 класс

1. Мобилизующее начало. Приветствие. Сообщение темы урока, цели, задач.

2. Речевая зарядка на базе вопросов о музыке.
-The theme of the lesson is "Music". How do you understand what music is. How can you explain it?

Possible answers:
1. It is the universal language of the world.
2. It is the mirror of our lives and life problems.
3. It can name the unnamable and communicate the unknown.
4. It is the surpreme mystery.
5. It's the art of writing or playing music.
6. It's a type of sculpture. The air in the performance is sculptured into something.
7. It usually pours out of radio, television sets, record players.
8. It helps the drivers stop themselves from going mad in traffic jams.
9. The average man washed by the frustration and grind of the day spends many evenings, gazing into space while it splashes around him like a warm bath.
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Автор: Давыдова Татьяна Даниловна  Tat4856
29.10.2014 2 2320 941

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