Презентация к уроку английского языка "The history of the feast"


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«Holiday Parade. Парад праздников»

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Автор работы:

Рождественский Илья

ученик 4 а класса

МКОУ «СОШ № 3» пос.Арамиль

Свердловская обл.


Елена Вячеславовна Ковалева

учитель английского языка



Other names

All Saint’s Day


The feast of the dead

El Dia-де-лос Muertos



The history of the feast

The history of Halloween began many times ago in the lands of modern Britain and Northern France.

This territory was inhabited by Celtic tribes. They divided the year into two parts - winter and summer.

Throughout the winter the Sun God was a prisoner of LORD OF THE DEAD, and THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS.



There was the Celtic festival Samhain on November 1st .

The ancient legend says, in this night the door to the other world opens, and the dead come to the earth.



Then Romans conquered Celtic territory. They brought their own traditions.

Later the traditions of the Samhain and two Latin holidays mixed: Feralia (dedicated to the memory of the dead) and Pomona (Pomona - goddess of tree fruits)



In the IX century, when Christianity came on the territory of the United Kingdom, these ancient traditions mixed with another holiday - the Day of All Saints - ALL HALLOWS EVEN.

Later it became known as Halloween.

Nowadays people have got a lot of funny traditions. left of that festival.



Why do people wear masks on Halloween?

This night people dress costumes and masks. They arrange masquerades. Mask function is to hide the face and trick the evil spirits.

Halloween came from the Celtic traditions. These people believed that the dead
come to the world of the living on October 31



Jack O’Lanterns

A symbol of Halloween - pumpkin-head.

Pumpkin symbolizes the end of the harvest, the evil spirit and fire.

This tradition came from Ireland.


The Irish did holes in the turnips and put there candles. They wanted evil spirits passed by the house, when they saw lights.

They put the Lights Jack in front of their houses during the Samhain.



Jack – who is he?

The Irish people have got a myth about greedy Jack, who trick the devil twice.

When Jack died, God sent Jack’s soul back to earth and gave him coals instead of eyes.



"Treat or trick!"

On that night the kids knock at the houses shouting: "Treat or trick!" - "hand things or you will regret it!". If you do not bring the sacrifice, these small «evil demons» can play a cruel joke with you.




People believe that if a Halloween person sees a spider, it means the spirit of a dead person looks at you.


















Слайд 1
Детский международный конкурс презентаций «Holiday Parade. Парад праздников» Сайт «Вектор успеха.рф – портал для детей и подростков» Автор работы: Рождественский Илья ученик 4 а класса МКОУ «СОШ № 3» пос.Арамиль Свердловская обл. Наставник: Елена Вячеславовна
Слайд 2
Other names All Saint’s Day Samhain The feast of the dead El Dia-де-лос Muertos
Слайд 3
The history of the feast The history of Halloween began many times ago in the lands of modern Britain and Northern France. This territory was inhabited by Celtic tribes. They divided the year into two parts - winter and summer. Throughout the winter the Sun God was a prisoner of LORD OF THE DEAD, and THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS.
Слайд 4
There was the Celtic festival Samhain on November 1st . The ancient legend says, in this night the door to the other world opens, and the dead come to the earth.
Слайд 5
Then Romans conquered Celtic territory. They brought their own traditions. Later the traditions of the Samhain and two Latin holidays mixed: Feralia (dedicated to the memory of the dead) and Pomona (Pomona - goddess of tree fruits)
Слайд 6
In the IX century, when Christianity came on the territory of the United Kingdom, these ancient traditions mixed with another holiday - the Day of All Saints - ALL HALLOWS EVEN. Later it became known as Halloween. Nowadays people have got a lot of funny traditions. left of that festival.
Слайд 7
Why do people wear masks on Halloween? This night people dress costumes and masks. They arrange masquerades. Mask function is to hide the face and trick the evil spirits. Halloween came from the Celtic traditions. These people believed that the dead come to the world of the living on October 31st.
Слайд 8
Jack O’Lanterns A symbol of Halloween - pumpkin-head. Pumpkin symbolizes the end of the harvest, the evil spirit and fire. This tradition came from Ireland. The Irish did holes in the turnips and put there candles. They wanted evil spirits passed by the house, when they saw lights. They put the Lights Jack in front of their
Слайд 9
Jack – who is he? The Irish people have got a myth about greedy Jack, who trick the devil twice. When Jack died, God sent Jack’s soul back to earth and gave him instead of eyes. coals
Слайд 10
"Treat or trick!" On that night the kids knock at the houses shouting: "Treat or trick!" - "hand things or you will regret it!". If you do not bring the sacrifice, these small «evil demons» can play a cruel joke with you.
Слайд 11
Spiders People believe that if a Halloween person sees a spider, it means the spirit of a dead person looks at you.
Слайд 12
Слайд 13
Answers 1 4 3 8 7 H G H 1 3 B A T O 9 P U M R V A A L L O W E E P I D E F M W U I N M T 6 N C M A N D N H K K I N 10 S K I P F 5 M O 11 S C 2 L E T O T I C K N R 12 B R O O M E 14 C E S T O S T U M E I N Y
Слайд 14
Resources http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halloween#His tory http://slovo.ws/topic/holiday/56.html http://www.halloween.com/history_hallowe en.php http://saechka.ru/holiday/history/490/2659 http://positiveland.ru/2011/09/halloweenda y/ http://images.yandex.ru/block_big.html http://grandwallpapers.net/photo/hellouinhalloween http://www.just-so-site.com/stories/hallow

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Автор: Рождественский Илья  Публикатор
17.06.2018 0 1547 400

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