Презентация к уроку английского языка "Valentine's Day"

Презентация к уроку английского языка "Valentine's Day"

Every year on February 14 Earthlings sent tens of millions of cards decorated with traditional hearts, roses, kittens, kissing angels or doves. Selling boxes of delicious chocolates, red roses with meter connected touching bears and bunnies, velvet pillow with confessions and wishes, chains and pendants. On this day, many offer their passions, hand and heart, and all that is attached to these gifts by default. The court chronicler Samuel Pepys, an English judge in the late 17th century. Recorded that on 14 February lovers can share souvenirs: gloves, rings and candy. It so happened that a gift for Valentine's Day should include some sweets in the shape of hearts, cake, candy, cookies, cakes, chocolate. Valentine's Day is celebrated as a lovers' holiday, on February 14 in Europe from the XIII century. In the United States - since 1777 in the CIS (open) - in the early 1990s.

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Автор: Fedorova Anna  Публикатор
17.06.2018 0 1378 349

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