Эссе "Должны ли иностранные языки преподаваться в школе?"


Should foreign languages be taught at school?



While at school young people encounter a lot of challenges. One of them is foreign languages. Like in other subjects necessary and important skills are developed in foreign language classes too. But should foreign languages be taught at school? Let’s see.


First of all, one of the most important aspects is communication. People come into contact in different spheres of life. Languages are of vital importance. Students get to know new cultures. It has a great impact on their further life.

Travelling around the world, studying at universities and world colleges make young people understand each other better, be friendly and tolerant to each other.


Secondly, even before leaving school students should think about their future jobs and select a university. They have to decide what and where to study. Very often beginning their university studies in Russia, they continue their studies abroad.

Besides, students participate in joint projects. Knowledge of foreign languages is required.


Thirdly, foreign languages help students to develop their personal qualities such as their abilities to be hard-working, punctual and organized, their ability to work to a deadline, to collaborate with others and to be lifelong learners.

Students have to know how to work with information which they get via the Internet.

On the other hand, still there people who underestimate knowledge of foreign languages. They think there are more important things to study. I cannot agree with them.


In conclusion I would like to underline the importance of foreign language studies at school because they help to develop communication and collaborative skills, facilitate information literacy. So, foreign languages should be taught at school without doubt.


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Автор: Пустосмехова Наталья Алексеевна  Публикатор
02.08.2018 0 5234 380

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