Презентация к уроку английского языка "The Solar System"; 5 класс

Слайд 1
Our Solar System Фролова Ольга Анатольевна ГБОУ «Брянский городской лицей №1 им. А.С. Пушкина
Слайд 2
Today you will: Sort out the planets of the solar system Study new vocabulary Compare the planets Use the degrees of comparison of adjectives
Слайд 3
Look at the word cloud. Find and circle three planets.
Слайд 4
Look at the word cloud. Find and circle three planets.
Слайд 5
Look at the word cloud. Find and circle three planets.
Слайд 6
Look at the word cloud. Find and circle three planets.
Слайд 7
What other space words can you see in the word cloud?
Слайд 8
Match the words from the word cloud with their meanings. 1. surface 2. icecap 3. condition 4 space probe 5. suitable 6. Solar a) ледниковый покров (на полюсах) b) космический зонд c) поверхность d) условие e) солнечный f) подходящий
Слайд 9
Answers: 1 (c) 2 (a) 3 (d) 4 (b) 5 (f) 6 (e) surface – поверхность icecap - ледниковый покров condition – условие space probe – космический зонд suitable – подходящий solar - космический
Слайд 10
Listen, look at the pictures and follow the text. Ex 11 P 60
Слайд 11
Fill in the blanks with words from the text. • 1. The ______ is in the centre of our solar system. • 2. Mercury is _______ to the Sun than the Earth. • 3. The Earth is _________ from the Sun than Mercury. • 4. Mars has __________ and volcanoes. • 5. Space _________ take photos of different planets.
Слайд 12
Fill in the blanks with words from the text. • 1. The ______ Sun is in the centre of our solar system. • 2. Mercury is _______ closer to the Sun than the Earth. • 3. The Earth is _________ from the Sun than Mercury. further • 4. Mars has __________ and volcanoes. • 5. Space _________ icecaps take photos of different planets. probes
Слайд 13
Fill in the blanks with words from the text. • • • • • 1. The Sun is in the centre of our solar system. 2. Mercury is closer to the Sun than the Earth. 3. The Earth is further from the Sun than Mercury. 4. Mars has icecaps and volcanoes. 5. Space probes take photos of different planets. If you have 5 correct answers “5” If you have 4 correct answers “4”
Слайд 14
Flying from the Sun to the stars.
Слайд 15
Who is it?
Слайд 16
Our Solar System is an exciting place
Слайд 17
The sun is a star and it is full of gas. It is at the heart of our solar system.
Слайд 18
The Earth is called an ocean planet. It is the only planet in the solar system that has life.
Слайд 19
Venus has more volcanoes than any other planet. It’s called the Earth's evil twin.
Слайд 20
Mercury is closest to the sun, smaller than the Earth and a rocky planet.
Слайд 21
Mars is called “the Red Planet” because it looks red in the sky from Earth.
Слайд 22
Saturn has dust and ice rings around it.
Слайд 23
Jupiter and its moons. It is the biggest planet in our solar system.
Слайд 24
Uranus is the furthest planet from the Earth and the first to be discovered.
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Neptune. It takes the planet about 165 years to orbit the Sun.
Слайд 26
Pluto is furthest from the Sun and known as a “dwarf” planet because it is small.
Слайд 27
Planets of our solar system.
Слайд 28
Solar System Quiz • Which planet is closest to the sun? • Which planet is furthest from the sun? • Which planet is the biggest? • Which planet begins with the letter N? • What is the name of the planet which has a ring around it? • How many planets are there altogether?
Слайд 29
Solar System Quiz • Which planet is closest to the sun? • Which planet is furthest from the sun? • Which planet is the biggest? • Which planet begins with the letter N • What is the name of the planet which has a ring around it? • How many planets are there altogether? Mercury Pluto Jupiter Neptune Saturn Nine
Слайд 30
Which planet do you like best? What do you know about it?
Слайд 31
Homework: Describe an imaginary planet. Follow the plan: • 1. The name of you planet • 2. Its location (a distant galaxy) • 3. Huge(big) or tiny (small) • 4. Heavy or light • 5. The planet has (volcanoes, craters, icecaps, rocks, oceans) • 6. Aliens
Слайд 32
Thank you for your work!
Слайд 33
Автор презентации: Фролова Ольга Анатольевна учитель английского языка МБОУ Брянский городской лицей №1 имени А.С. Пушкина

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