Конспект урока английского языка "Технологии"; 9 класс



Стафиевская Вероника Вячеславовна

Учитель английского языка

ГБОУ СОШ № 69 Калининского района


 Урок по теме «Технологии»






Урок в 9 классе (УМК ‘Spotlight’ – 9, Модуль 4)


Тема: «Technology»



  1. Обучение чтению, аудированию, устной речи и письму.

  2. Формирование лексических навыков с помощью информационных компьютерных технологий.

  3. Практикум по выполнению заданий в формате ГИА.

  4. Развитие коммуникативных и творческих способностей учащихся.

  5. Обобщение и систематизация знаний по теме 'Technology'.

  6. Формирование способности к сотрудничеству при работе в парах и группах.

Оборудование: компьютеры, мультимедийный проектор, учебная программа

'Hop Potato', карточки с заданиями.


План урока

  1. Оргмомент

  2. Речевая зарядка - Brain-storming

  3. Лексика

  1. компьютерный практикум

  2. *устная речь Computer problems (диалог в парах)

  1. Чтение ‘Match the headings’

  1. Стратегии выполнения заданий по чтению в формате ГИА

  2. Проверка выполнения задания, ключевые слова

  3. Вопрос по тексту

  1. Аудирование

  1. Стратегии выполнения заданий в формате ГИА

  2. Выполнение, проверка

  1. Устная речь

  1. What do you think (agree / disagree)

  2. Слайд – Speaking

  1. Презентация проектных работ ‘My favourite gadget

  2. Домашнее задание – написать личное письмо

  3. Подведение итогов


Ход урока


  1. Оргмомент.

T: Hello dear boys and girls, hello dear teachers.

Today we’re going to revise words and phrases we have learnt in Module 4, we’ll talk about technology, computers and computer problems, about different modern gadgets and devices.

  1. Brain-storming (слайд 2)


Look at the mind map and write as many words as you can think of related to modern technology



(слайд 3)

A recent survey which was carried out in our group showed that all of our students think that technology devices make their lives easier.

They own different types of gadgets:

100% of students have mobile phones

100% of teens have their own desktop or laptop computers

56% of teens have MP3 players

17% of teens have PDA

So, the favourite device is computer, the 2nd - is mobile phone, the 3rd - MP3 player and everyone wants to have a PDA.


  1. Лексика

T: I know that all students in your class have computers. Do you sometimes have problems with your computers? What do you usually do if you have problems?

Let’s go to the computers and do exercise.

  1. Компьютерный практикум (тесты в программе ‘Hot potato’)


  1. Чтение

Now we’ll read the text ‘How the life is changing’ Don’t forget to underline key words and phrases слайд 4 - стратегии выполнения задания по чтению в формате ГИА

  1. Read the following texts and match headings 1-7 with paragraphs A-F. There is one heading you do not need.

  2. Проверка: ключевые слова


















  1. You’ve just read in the text some predictions which were made about 10 years ago. Which of them have come true? /which haven’t?


  1. Listening (Test booklet 9 test 4 Listening)

Now we will listen and talk about mobile phones – your favourite devices.

Listen to some people talking about mobile phones and match the speakers (A-E) to the statements (1-6). There is one extra statement. слайд 5 - стратегии выполнения задания по аудированию в формате ГИА

















  1. How often do you use a mobile phone?

  2. What do you use it for?

  3. What do you think you will use it for in the future?

  1. Speaking (слайд 6)

  1. Look at the Student’s card. You will have to give a 2-minute talk on mobile phone.

  2. What do you think?

Please, look at the worksheets. Now you should discuss the following sentences and answer the questions. You may choose the topic. Work in pairs or groups.

  1. Презентация проектов ‘My favourite gadget’ (по группам или индивидуально)

Now it’s time to present your mini-projects about your favourite gadgets.

  1. Домашнее задание – письмо С1 (слайд 7)

слайды 8-20 – по правилам написания личного письма формата С1 - можно использовать, если есть необходимость, или выделить время на другом уроке

  1. Подведение итогов




Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1–7 и

текстами А–F. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву

только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


  1. Reading Read the following texts and match headings 1-7 with paragraphs A-F. There is one heading you do not need.



  1. Intelligent help around the house

  2. An end to shopping as we know it?

  3. Computers in Space

  4. Managing our planet’s water

  5. Time for everyone?

  6. The electronic stars of tomorrow

  7. Exploring other worlds

How life is changing

  1. The threat of global water shortage by 2050 is now very real, which will mean that perhaps half the planet’s population won’t have enough water to live. It’s essential to plan how we are going to manage our water supply in the future, and scientists already have several ideas. These include transporting fresh water between countries in hude nylon bags, moving icebergs, and even controlling the rain, using a technique ‘cloud-seeding’.

  2. Shopping in the future will also change. We won’t just go to the shops to buy things – we’ll go for a day out! More and more huge shopping malls will appear, with many different attractions: cinemas, restaurants, gyms and concerts – even the air will be specially ‘fresh’, thanks to machines controlling the mall’s environment. And this has already started – the largest shopping centre in Europe opened on London in 1999: 30 million ‘guests’ visit it each year.

  3. Over the past few years, computers have had an enormous effect on the way we create music. Without today’s electronic music programs, the sounds of techno, big beat and garage music would not be here. And computer technology is also going to change what we see on our TV screens. By 2010, around one on four TV presenters won’t be human – they’ll be computer –generated TV stars who can walk, talk, and tell jokes. And they’ll never grow old.

  4. And technology of the future will come into our homes, as well. Many household appliances will become much more ‘intelligent’ in the kitchen, the fridge will tell us when the milk is not fresh. The cooker will be able to ‘talk’ to the fridge. The bath will let us know when it’s full (and it’ll make sure the water temperature is just how you like it!). But will someone invent a self-cleaning house? They’re probably trying to!

  5. How often and where we take our holidays is also going to change – and, most importantly, how much we have to pay for it. We’ll not only be able get around the world more quickly, but cheaper air travel will mean that more and more of us will have the chance to travel abroad. And when you’ve seen everywhere in the world – well, there’s always Space! In 2001, the first ‘Space tourist’, a 60-year-old American, paid $14 million to stay on a Space station for ten days.

  6. Some people say that ‘time is the new money’, and certainly many of these innovations will help us to save time. But what will we do with all this time? Perhaps we’ll spend some of it helping people whose only wish for the future is clean water and enough food for their families.
















  1. Listening

Listen to some people talking about mobile phones and match the speakers (A-E) to the

statements (1-6). There is one extra statement.


Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между

высказываниями каждого говорящего A–E и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–6. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1–6 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.

Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.








1. I only make short phone calls on my mobile.

2. I feel that I need my phone too much.

3. I spend a lot of money on my mobile phone.

4. I don’t like the way people phrase text messages.

5. Mobile phones are good for reasons of safety.

6. I talk for a long time on the phone.















III. Speaking




Task 1

Give a 2-minute talk on mobile phone.

Remember to say:

  • if you have a mobile phone

  • what people use mobile phones for

  • when mobile phones are useful

  • if mobile phones are ever annoying.

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have

finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.



2. What do you think?

Answer the questions / discuss the statements Work with a partner to talk about the sentences below, decide if you agree with them or disagree with them.

What do you think (of/about) …?

What’s your view / opinion …?

Don’t you agree that…?


Expressing opinion



I think (that) …

I don’t think (that) ….

Personally, I think ….

In my opinion / view, …

To my mind, ….

As I see it, …………..

As far as I know…

I believe that…

I have the same opinion…

That’s right because…

I agree ...



That’s wrong because…

I disagree ….

I don’t agree with you.

Probably, it’s true, but I think that…

I don’t believe that…




1. Technology.

  1. What role does technology play in our society?

  2. Do you think technology help us, or does it just cause problems?

  3. How do you predict technology will affect our lives in the future?

  4. Do you think one day robots in our homes will become a reality?

  5. Do you think it would be great to have a robot to cater for all our needs?


2. Computers

  1. Computers are cleverer than humans.

  2. The modern world cannot work without computers.

  3. Teenagers can’t live without computers.

  4. Using a computer is bad for your health.

  5. Computers are good for education.

  6. If you want a good job you need to know about computers.

  7. One day the world will be ruled by computers.

  8. Everyone should know how to use a computer.

9. Do you think computers will ever replace books?

10. What do you think of computer games? Do you play any of them? How often?


3. Internet.

  1. Do many people use the Internet today? What for?

  2. What does the Internet allow us to do?

  3. Does the Internet save our time?

  4. What are the advantages of the Internet?

  5. How do you think the Internet will change our future?

  6. Do you use the Internet? How often? What for?

  7. People should be free to say whatever they want on the Internet.

  8. Internet is cutting people off from reality and active creative work.


4. Mobile phones.


  1. Do you have a mobile? How often do you use it?

  2. What do you use it for?

  3. Which do you prefer: sending a message or making a call? Why?

  4. How often do you send and receive text messages or e-mails?

  5. Can you imagine your life without modern means of communication?

  6. Mobile phones should be banned in public places.

  7. Mobile phones are irritating and useless.

  8. Do you think people should not be allowed to use mobile phones in public places? Why?

  9. Nowadays mobile phones are an essential part of life, like computers.

  10. What do you think you will use it for in the future?


IV. Домашнее задание:


You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Rob


and then there’s this chess tournament on Saturday. If I win, I’ll be the champion of our school. Who knows?Oh, yeah. I wanted to ask you something. We have to write a report on technology for school. Could you tell me a few things about how you use technology in your life? You know, computers, mobiles, TV, that sort of things. Oh, and tell me something about the other members of your family, too, and how they use technology.

Anyway, I was talking to Sam the other day and he says that…


Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.



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