Конспект урока английского языка "Как говорить, используя настоящее совершенное время"; 7 класс

 How to speak using Present Perfect Tense in the 7th form.

The aim of the lesson: you will learn how to speak about things you have done, so now you can see the result. Moreover, we have done a lot of work on Present Perfect and now we’ll see the result.

  1. Pronunciation + memory work (read and learn the poem)

Lately, ever, never, since

Learn what each world here means

Just, already, not yet, yet –

PRESENT PERFECT will be glad!

Why will Present Perfect be glad? (because now we know his words – markers)

  1. Presentation. Brushing up the rule and the form of Present Perfect.

So, the present perfect is used to express the idea that some action is done and the result is in the present . HAVE/HAS +V3

  1. And now we have to remember the three forms of the verbs. (см. табл.)

Now let’s remember all the forms of the verb HAVE: I have, you have, she has, he has, it has, etc.

  1. Find the Present Perfect Tense: he has a toy car, we have read, she has eaten, they are built, we have built, it has gone, he has got a tail, it has a long neck.

  2. Translate these word – combinations.

He has gone, he hasn’t written yet, he has already made, he has eaten before, he has sold today, he has never eaten, has he ever bought, he has recently drunk, he has lately sold, he has just written.

  1. I have written 5 sentences with these word – combinations. What is the result of each action here?

  1. He has gone to Africa. (5 minutes)

  2. He hasn’t written the dictation.

  3. He has eaten before.

  4. He has already made a bird house.

  5. He has never bought a car.

  1. Summing up the information and making conclusions.

So when do we use the Present Perfect Tense? What tense do we use when we know when it happened?

  1. Your reflections.

Look through the lesson plan and say what grammar form you use if you speak about the things done and we can see the results. What grammar form is used when we know the time in the past?


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Автор: Фадеева Елена Владиславовна  Публикатор
11.01.2023 0 485 28

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