Шаблон ответа на задание 4 устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Пример ответа на задание 4 устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку.



Hi, Nick!

I have found two pictures for our project and I’d like to discuss them with you.

These two pictures perfectly suit the topic of our project, “Sports activities”, as both of them show different types of sports.

The first photo shows a young man who is playing football outdoors. The second photo depicts a girl in a swimming pool.

The main difference between the two photos is thaton the first one there is an example of a team sport (football), whereas the second one demonstrates an individual sport - swimming.

Both sports activities have their advantages and disadvantages.The main benefit of football is that it teaches you teamwork; on the downside, football is quite a dangerous sport and one can easily get injured.

Speaking of swimming, it is very useful for your back and spine, which is definitely a huge pro. The main con of swimming is that it can be quite boring and dull.

Personally, I would prefer swimming because I really enjoy this peaceful and meditative activity.

That’s all I wanted to tell you, I’ll be waiting for your opinion on/about/of the photos.

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Автор: Миллер Наталья Владимировна  Публикатор
20.09.2024 0 778 1

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