Слайд 1
The World
Ледовских Светлана Николаевна,
учитель английского языка
МОУ Борисоглебской СОШ № 3
Контрольно – обобщающий урок в 4 классе
«The World of Animals»
Цель: воспитывать интерес к изучению английского языка при помощи игр, стихотворений, загадок.
учебные: - обобщение знаний учащихся, полученных при изучении раздела «В городе и в деревне. Дикие и домашние животные»;
- контроль уровня сформированности умений и навыков по теме «Степени сравнения прилагательных».
развивающие: развитие внимания, памяти, воображения, мышления, смекалки; развитие эмоциональной сферы учащихся;
воспитательные: воспитание культуры общения в коллективной деятельности.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент (объяснение условий игры, представление команд и капитанов).
II. Ход игры
The teams in turn name one animal.
Guess the riddles. (слайд 2)
a) Long-ears, long-ears,
Hop, hop, and hop!
Long-ears, long-ears,
Never stop.
They like carrots,
They like hay.
They grow longer
From day to day.
b) Who is the king of the animal world?
c) It is a domestic animal. It likes fish.
d) This animal like grass, gives milk.
e) It is grey, but it isn’t a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a hare,
With hoofs (копыта), but not a horse.
What is it?
f) Not a horseman, but wears spurs (шпоры).
Not a watchman, but wakes people up.
What is it?
What animals can you see here? (слайд 3)
Look and say (слайд 4)
Whose tail is it?
Whose eyes are these?
Whose ears are these?
Whose legs are these?
Whose paws are these?
Whose head is it?
Match the picture to the word. (слайд 5)
Who can find the most animals? (слайд 6)
Write the names of the animals correctly: (слайд 7)
god, nilo, getry, nomeky, omuse, sohre, rabe, helaw.
Match the name of the animal and its description. (слайд 8)
The animal is timid and shy. |
Bear |
The animal has a red bushy tail. |
Zebra |
The animal sleeps all winter in a den. |
Lion |
The animal can live without food and water for a long time. |
Fox |
The animal with a beautiful white skin with black stripes. |
Rabbit |
The animal has long hair around its neck. |
Camel |
How long do animals live?
A rabbit – 5, a sheep – 12, a cat – 13, a goat – 15, a cow – 25, a pig – 25, a horse – 30, a camel – 40.
Compare these animals, using as many adjectives as possible: (слайд 9)
a cat, a pig, a wolf;
a tortoise, a fox, a squirrel;
a tiger, a bear, an elephant;
a cock, a tiger, a wolf.
( strong, weak, big, small, kind, angry, fat, thin, clever, cunning, slow, quick)
Finish the saying: (слайд 10)
As hungry as ...
As brave as ...
As cunning as ...
As heavy as ...
As dirty as ...
As tall as ...
A busy as ...
As funny as ...
As slow as ...
Do you agree? (слайд 11)
These animals give wool: a sheep, a camel, a cat, a dog.
People drink milk of these animals: a cow, a goat, a sheep, a horse.
People use fur of these animals for making hats: a fox, a dog, a rabbit, a sheep.
These animals can carry things and men: a camel, an elephant, a dog, a kangaroo.
People eat meat of these animals: a bear, a horse, a sheep, a duck.
Do crossword puzzle (слайд 12)
Read the information and decide if it is true or false. (слайд 13)
Frogs cannot live in the sea.
Some frogs live in Antarctica.
There are poisonous (ядовитые) frogs in Russia.
Some tropical frogs have red eyes.
Monkeys begin to roar when they see a group of other monkeys. People hear this roar up to 2.5 kilometers.
Elephant can pick coins with tongue.
Elephant is the cleverest animal.
The cleverest domestic animals are dogs and horses.
In some Russian rivers there are crocodiles.
Crocodiles can hold their breath (задерживать дыхание) for more than an hour.
When crocodiles get hot, they rest with their mouth open. Birds sometimes fly into their mouth and pick food from between their teeth.
The Nile crocodile is the largest of all the world’s crocodiles.
III. Подведение итогов
Автор: Ледовских Светлана Николаевна
→ SNL 19.01.2011 9 11747 2457 |
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