Конспект и презентация к внеклассному мероприятию "Welcome to Hogwarts: Happy Halloween!"; 7 класс
Fill in the blanks with the words in the boxes.
Haunted Houses |
ghosts |
strange |
Haunted |
happened |
past |
_____________________ houses are houses that have _____________________ in them. They are often houses where something terrible has _____________________ in the _____________________ and _____________________, unexplained things happen in the present. |
Haunted House Exteriors |
broken |
deserted |
overgrown |
roof |
graveyard |
Haunted houses are usually old and _____________________. They have _____________________ windows and missing shingles on the _____________________. The garden is _____________________ with weeds and there is sometimes a _____________________ at the side of the house. |
Haunted House Interiors |
cobwebs |
Bats |
walls |
dust |
messy |
Because the houses are deserted, they are usually _____________________. The furniture is covered with _____________________ and there are _____________________ made by spiders in every corner of the house. _____________________ make their home in the attic and mice live in holes in the _____________________. |
Haunted House Sounds |
slam |
hear |
moans |
footsteps |
spend |
If you _____________________ the night in a haunted house, you will _____________________ many strange noises such as _____________________ walking down the hall. As well, doors _____________________ shut by themselves and strange _____________________ can be heard throughout the night.
©2008 www.bogglesworldesl.com
Hogwarts Feast.
The Hogwarts Feast also known as the Welcoming Feast, Great Feast and Start of Term Feast, is a traditional feast held in the Great Hall on the first night in September to welcome new students and commemorate the start of the school year. During the feast, new students are also sorted into their houses, new teachers are introduced and speeches are given. The feast sets the tone for the year ahead.
The Hogwarts Feast is synonymous with delicious, decadent, exquisite, rich flavourful meals. Food magically appears on empty plates and everyone tries to consume as much food as possible. Some of the foods on the table are beef, lamb chops, steak, potatoes, meat pies, sandwiches, puddings, tarts, eclairs and jams. The variety is so overwhelming that there is always food left over. Any food remaining at the end of the night’s festivities magically disappears as quickly as they had appeared.
Hogwarts Feast: Magical Recipes Even AMuggle Can Master
Orange Butterfly Cakes
Butterflies are magical creatures; maybe that’s why people in The Wizarding world love sugared butterfly wings. The more muggle – friendly recipe is right here so have no fear. All the cake ingredients – baking spread, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder and orange zest – are mixed in a bowl and baked for 20 minutes. When they are cool cut a disc from the top of each cake and slightly cut in half. Place orange curd in each opening. Make some icing and swirl some cream on top of the curd. Place the wing-shaped pieces of cakes you cut away earlier on top and dust them with icing sugar.
Hogwarts Feast: Magical Recipes Even AMuggle Can Master
Butter Beer
This will be a non-alcoholic recipe that pays homage to this classic drink from The Wizarding world. Get a saucepan, place brown sugar and water in it, boil at 240 degrees while stirring gently. Stir in the butter, salt, vinegar and heavy cream. Cool and put aside. Following this, you will make some whipped cream with sugar and cream. You will need to serve each drink individually. Fill each glass halfway with cream soda; add the brown butter mixture to fill the cup. Add some more cream soda to top it off and decorate the top with whipped cream and drizzled caramel.
Hogwarts Feast: Magical Recipes Even AMuggle Can Master
Peanut Butter Pudding
No need to rack your brain trying to recreate Aunt Petunia's pudding, here is a pudding recipe for you. You will need all-purpose flour, cashews, cold butter, peanut butter, cream cheese, confectioners’ sugar, whipped cream, cold milk, chocolate and vanilla pudding mix, and milk chocolate candy bars. In a food processor, whip up flour, butter and cashew and bake for 25 – 28 minutes. Next, whisk the cream cheese, peanut butter and sugar. Spoon this over the crust. Combine the vanilla and chocolate pudding mix and spread over the cream cheese layer. Sprinkle some cashews and crushed candy bars on top. Place your creation in the fridge for 1 hour before its ready to be served.
Hogwarts Feast: Magical Recipes Even AMuggle Can Master
Tasty Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin pie is one of the stars of the pastry world. It is one of the best desserts known to man. Unlike Professor Snape’sPompion potion, it won’t turn your head into a pumpkin when you consume it. You start making this treat by fashioning a crust. After you have mastered that feat, lightly beat some cream cheese and mashed pumpkin, melted butter, vanilla, eggs, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt. Place the mixture in the pie crust, place the pan in the oven for 15 on high and 48 more minutes at 350 degrees. The crust should be golden when the baking is complete. Once the pie has been left to chill in the oven for 3 – 4 hours, add a generous amount of whipped cream and sprinkle some powder sugar on top if you please.
Hogwarts Feast: Magical Recipes Even AMuggle Can Master
Let us skip regular doughnuts for this dinner and opt for some apple fritters instead. If you are not as fortunate as Lena Lovegood to have apple trees outside your home, purchase your own Granny Smiths. Combine some flour, sugar, cinnamon, salt, vanilla, milk, eggs and butter to make a chunky batter. Fold some small diced apples into the dough. Fry until golden brown, drain and decorate with powdered sugar. For some more flavour, caramelize the apples before folding them into the pastry. This is a filling dessert made with a simple recipe. Addsomemagicbysprinklingonsomebaconbits!
Hogwarts __________ (BE) not an ordinary school. It ___________ (BE) a school of Magic! The school year at Hogwarts ________________ (BEGIN) on the 1st September.
Magic _____________ (START) when students ________________ (ARRIVE) at King’s Cross station. The train to Hogwarts ______________ (GO) from platform 9 ¾! To get to the platform future Hogwarts students _______________ (HAVE) to _______________ (GO) through … the wall.
Every Hogwarts student ___________________ (BELONG) to one of the Houses :Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw.
A magic hat called the Sorting Hat _____________________ (DECIDE) where a student ___________________ (BELONG). There ________________ (BE) no exams. There __________________ (BE) no tests. The Hat _________________ (DO) all the work. The hat __________________ (THINK) and __________________ (TALK) and ___________________ (SORT) out. It __________________ (SCAN) a student’s knowledge, personality and abilities.All a student ________________ (HAVE) to do is sit on a stool and put on a hat. It ___________________ (SEEM) easy, but you can’t _______________________ (CHEAT) the magic Hat.
The academic year __________________ (START) with a celebration.Students and professors __________________ (SIT) at a long table and ___________________ (ENJOY) lots of nice food and drinks. Classes ___________________ (BEGIN) on September 2nd and ___________________ (GO) on until June. There __________________ (BE) two terms in the academic year with two week holiday breaks in between.
Exams ___________________ (BE) held the first week of June. Results _____________________ (COME) out the second week of June. There _____________________ (BE) celebrations at Halloween, Christmas, Easter and at the end of the academic year. At Christmas and Easter holidays most of the students and some of the professors ___________________ (GO) home for a break. All teachers and students _____________________ (LEAVE) Hogwarts during the summer.
How many words can you make out of HAUNTED HOUSE? |
H A U N T E D H O U S E |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
Did you find? |
An uncle’s wife. |
A daughter’s brother. |
A bird’s house. |
A squirrel’s snack. |
Another word for yell. |
The opposite of like. |
The opposite of in. |
The opposite of sit. |
What you wear on your foot. |
Where crabs live. |
What a fireman uses. |
An insect. |
Difficult: |
A short fast run. |
A house with a grass roof. |
(c) 2003 www.bogglesworldesl.com
© 2005 www.bogglesworldesl.com
Read the sentences below and look up any word you don’t know in the dictionary. Then draw everything below in the haunted house.
There is an owl in the tree.
There is a jack-o’-lantern in front of the house.
There is a cat on the roof.
There is a ghost in the left downstairs window.
There is a witch flying on a broomstick above the moon.
There are graves beside the house.
There is a skeleton in the right downstairs window.
There is a bat in the sky.
There is a cobweb above the door.
There is a vampire in the left upstairs window.
There is a werewolf under the tree.
© 2005 www.bogglesworldesl.com
How many words can you make out of JACK-O’- LANTERN? |
J A C K-O’-L A N T E R N |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
Did you find? |
Birthday food. |
Winter wear. |
Army vehicle. |
An insect. |
A vegetable. |
The opposite of early. |
An animal with whiskers. |
A funny story. |
Put your back against something. |
Another word for rip. |
The past tense of eat. |
The past tense of run. |
Difficult: |
A road for a train. |
Where you put a key. |
A wooden box. |
(c) 2003 www.bogglesworldesl.com
муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1» п. Пуровск Пуровского района
муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1» п. Пуровск Пуровского района
для учащихся 7 – х классов
Цели : повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка; формирование социокультурной иноязычной компетенции, повышение интереса к культуре страны изучаемого языка; знакомство с лучшими произведениями английской литературы ; формирование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции : развитие речевых и языковых навыков ; обобщение лексического, грамматического, социокультурного учебного материала.
Задачи : обобщить пройденный речевой и языковой учебный материал посредством реализации учебно – познавательного проекта “My Friend, Harry Potter”.
Учебный материл : существительные (исчисляемые / неисчисляемые), лексика по теме «Food», лексика по теме «Halloween», видо – временные формы глагола в Present Continuous, правильные и неправильные глаголы в Present Simple и Past Simple, , социокультурные сведения о праздниках и праздничных традициях.
Оборудование : компьютер, мультимедиа – проектор, художественный фильм «Гарри Поттер и Философский камень» на английском языке, презентация PowerPoint фрагментов фильма и учебных материалов, раздаточный учебный материал, иллюстрации, эмблемы команд, предметы принадлежности (галстуки, очки, волшебные палочки¸ Распределяющая Шляпа, элементы празднования Хеллоуина), набор цветных фломастеров, цветные леденцы и чёрные метки.
Призы согласно Правилам школы : сладкие призы (candies) в честь окончания соревнования и начала торжества (согласно традиции), рецепты праздничных блюд.
Ход соревнования :
1. Церемония распределения. Участники заходят по одному, садятся на стул. Ведущий при помощи Распределяющей Шляпы определяет принадлежность участников командам “Happy Pumpkins” или “Merry Brooms”. Участники занимают свои места за столами.
2. Ведущий вручает участникам Entrance Worksheets со списком Halloween words. Участники читают и сопоставляют слова и картинки. Команда, выполнившая задание первой, получает фишки (развитие языковых и социокультурных навыков). Ведущий зачитывает Правила школы, согласно которым проходит соревнование, участники отвечают на вопросы ведущих по содержанию и получают фишки (развитие навыков аудирования). И соревнование начинается!
3. Ход соревнования : на карточках представлены задания разделов «Vocabulary», «Grammar», «Reading», «Writing», «Drawing». Представители команд по очереди вынимают из Шляпы карточки с заданиями. определяют категорию. Участники команд по очереди отвечают на вопросы / выполняют задания. Ведущие проверяют правильность ответа и за верный ответ вручают фишки – candies. Если ответ неверный, вручается a black mark, и право ответа переходит к другой команде. Демонстрируются фрагменты из фильма и презентации заданий.
4. Подведение итогов : по окончании соревнования профессор по Защите от Тёмных Сил и его помощники подсчитывают индивидуальные и общекомандные баллы и определяют победителей. Победившей команде вручается корзинка с леденцами (the treat). Профессор Дамблдор (фрагмент из фильма) провозглашает начало торжества : “Let the feast begin!” Все участники события получают сладости в честь окончания соревнования и начала торжества (согласно традиции Хогвартса) и рецепты праздничных блюд для домашнего приготовления.
Учитель иностранного языка М.В. Томчик
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Автор: Томчик Мария Витальевна
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