Статья "Использование информационных технологий в логопедии"
Использование информационных технологий в логопедической практике
The usage of information technologies in speech therapy
В статье затрагивается тема информационных технологий в логопедической практике. Описываются специализированные компьютерные программы: «Игры для Тигры», «Баба-Яга учится читать».
The article deals with information technologies in speech therapy. In this article special computer programs are described: "Games for Tigers," Baba-Yaga learns how to read. " Тhey consist of game exercises. Each is aimed at developing skills.
Ключевые слова: информационные технологии, логопедическая практика, программы, чтение, письмо, устная речь, обучение, младший школьник, коммуникативные навыки, дети.
Key words: information technologies, speech therapy practice, programs, reading, writing, oral speech, training, younger schoolboy, communication skills, children.
Modern school cannot be imagined without new information technologies. Qualities such as the ability to read and write become in line with the ability to own a computer. The introduction of information and communication technology education into the educational process is driven by the requirements of the new State Educational Standard for Primary General Education.
At present, there are more and more children with speech disorders, so there is a need to find new ways to raise and teach this category of children.
Numerous studies note that children with speech disorders have problems in the development of perception, attention, memory, thought activities, different degrees of motor underdevelopment and sensory functions, spatial representations, peculiarities of reception and processing of information. Fatigue is increased and interest in learning is reduced. Junior schoolchildren suffering from general underdevelopment of speech have many problems at school. The speech of such a child is poor, unspeakable. They are difficult to pick the necessary word, poorly make up the phrase and sentences. Such violations determine the risk group by causing difficulties in children 's mastery of certificate, training in reading, writing, account [2; 3].
Non-standard approaches, individual development programs, innovative technologies are necessary to interest children, make education interesting, conscious and effective. Computer technology is one such innovation. They have been extensively applied recently in the field of special education, as adaptive and easily individualized means of education [1; 4].
They are popular among speech workers and teachers, like children, productive in work such programs as "Dalfa," Games for Tigers, "Visible speech," Baba-Yaga learns how to read. "
"Games for the Tigers" is a specialized computer technology designed to correct the general underdevelopment of speech in children, both of primary school age and of older preschool age.
This program has more than 50 exercises with different levels of complexity. They are combined into 4 thematic clusters:
1. Unit Prosodic studying includes:
- Module Breath
- Module Unity
- Module Rhythm
- Module Height and timbre
2. Unit Sound pronunciation includes:
3. Unit Phonematic studying consists of:
- Module Sounds
- Word module
- Module Analysis
- Module Synthesis
4. Unit Lexis consists of:
- Word module
- Module Phrase building
- Module Valency
Each unit and module allows to work out the correctness of breathing, clarity and intelligibility of speech, correct syllable structure of the word, height and duration of voice, to develop phonematic hearing and phonematic perception, to develop active and passive dictionary of the child, etc.
At the same time, the program gives the opportunity to adjust parameters individually for each, which will correspond to the present level and zone of the nearest development of the child.
Playing, children develop communication skills by selecting tasks that encourage the child to enter into dialogue.
The computer learning game "Baba-Yaga learns how to read" is mainly intended for older pre-school children, and is also suitable for primary school students who are 6-7 years old. It is this period that is sensational (favorable) for learning to read.
Oral speech, sound wear, spatial orientation, phonematic perception is necessary for the beginning of reading training. Learning in game form helps the child to move to a new stage of intellectual development - mastering written speech. The game "Baba-Yaga learns how to read" is effective for both reading and writing training and dyslexia prevention.
The program consists of ten game exercises. Each exercise is aimed at working out certain skills and processes that are necessary for learning reading and writing. Games contribute to the prevention of optical disorders, help to develop memory, correct formation of attention, feelings of rhythm, work out sound-letter analysis and synthesis, etc.
Exercises in games have different levels of complexity, their order is set by the speech therapist, depending on what the process is on.
In the game "Baba-Yaga learns how to read" there is "Letter," in which you can listen to verses about each letter of the alphabet, fix their visual images. And there is also "Syllable," where you can make syllables from the letters of the alphabet, learn to read them. That is why the game is suitable for all children who know and do not know letters.
After successfully passing all ten tours, which gave a positive result, children are waiting for a reward, which is very important for motivation and study of further material.
Modern computer technologies are new methods of work and auxiliary educational material, but any even the best computer program cannot give as much as a highly qualified specialist can give.
The process of speech development will be easy if it becomes for children bright alive filled with sounds and melodies.
It is best for children to absorb the information that most attracted their attention, interested them. It is much more interesting to learn when a teacher uses pictures, games, animations, presentations, songs, etc.
Used literature
1. Kukushkin O. Computer technologies in the context of the profession: teaching students. Defectology - M., 2001. - № 3
2. Foundations of Theory and Practice of Speech Therapy R. Levinoy. - M.: Prosveschenie, 1967. - 173c.
3. A textbook for students defectol. Fac. pedagogics. Universities L. Volkova, S.N. Shahovskaya. - - M.: Humanit. prod. VLADOS Center, 1998. 680 p.
4. Chuprov E. The usage of information technologies in corrective work Pedagogy: traditions and innovations: materials IV International scientific conference (Chelyabinsk, December 2013). - Chelyabinsk: Two Komomolets, 2013. - P.75-78. - URL https://moluch.ru/conf/ped/archive/98/4610/
5. Royal, T.K. Correction of oral speech using a computer simulator (Methodological recommendations) // Deaf-and-pedology simulator for speech rehabilitation of people with hearing disabilities “Delpha 130”: a practical guide. - M .: Delpha Firm LLP, 1994
6. Practical guide to the use of an audiological pedagogical simulator, LLC Delph M. Moscow 2008. - 129 p.
7.[Electronic resource].-URL: https: //studbooks.net/65988/informatika/slovar_osnovnyh_terminov, (accessed October 9, 2019).
8. Abrosimova, G.A. The use of Internet resources to improve communication skills in the art classes in a correctional school [electronic resource]. Access Mode: http://nsportal.ru/shkola/izobrazitelnoe-iskusstvo.
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