Интерактивный тест по английскому языку на тему "Passive voice"; 7-8 класс

Слайд 1
English test «Passive voice»
Слайд 2
Choose the right variant and press the button: At the airport she ____ by my cousin tomorrow. will meet will be met will be meet To go to next slide, press SPACE
Слайд 3
Choose the right variant and press the button: Her problem _____ yesterday. is solve d solve d was solved To go to next slide, press SPACE
Слайд 4
Choose the right variant and press the button: Novosibirsk _____ in 1893. found was found were found To go to next slide, press SPACE
Слайд 5
Choose the right variant and press the button: This difficult test_____ tomorrow. will be done will done is done To go to next slide, press SPACE
Слайд 6
Choose the right variant and press the button: I _____ some milk every morning. given give am given To go to next slide, press SPACE
Слайд 7
Choose the right variant and press the button: Your parcel_____ in 5 days. will delivered will be delivered is delivered To go to next slide, press SPACE
Слайд 8
Choose the right variant and press the button: The articles_____ by me in 2014. were written was written are written To go to next slide, press SPACE
Слайд 9
Choose the right variant and press the button: The rules of reading_____ by the teacher at every lesson. is explained explain are explained To go to next slide, press SPACE
Слайд 10
Choose the right variant and press the button: The way to the metro station_____ me by my brother last week. is shown was shown will be shown To go to next slide, press SPACE
Слайд 11
Choose the right variant and press the button: My sister_____ to the hospital, when she was 5. was taken is taken took To go to next slide, press SPACE
Слайд 12
Choose the right variant and press the button: Poems_____ always_____ by heart. are learnt are learn is learnt To go to next slide, press SPACE
Слайд 13
Choose the right variant and press the button: This park_____ on Saturdays. was crowded crowded is crowded To go to next slide, press SPACE
Слайд 14
Choose the right variant and press the button: These scarves_____ by my granny 2 years ago. were made made are made To go to next slide, press SPACE
Слайд 15
Resources of illustrations: • http://www.welcome-to-america.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/%D0%B2%D1%81%D1 %82%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%B0.jpg • http://thethoughtgardener.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/shutterstock_101551237.jpg • http://tsenomer.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/novosibirsk.jpg • http://www.academia.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/standarized-test-.jpg • http://media.istockphoto.com/photos/drink-milk-picture-id108352276?k=6&m=108352 276&s=170667a&w=0&h=8FFUJkfnm4P6RhQ4Nbg5urCVW4mnVnzWUEzY68-qYmg • http ://images3.newscred.com/cD1kY2I2YTU2NjU3MGQ4OTdjMGQ2ODgyMWUyMjY3ZjAzMCZnPTc2 NzA2OTIyMTA0ZTBlMzk1YmViMjdhOTRhMGMyZGRl • http://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/01/25/635892900467041421-1425876384_writing.j pg • http://hooplaha.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/boy-excited-readind.jpg • http://cdn.citylab.com/media/img/citylab/2013/01/31/onewaystreetsmain/lead_large.jpg • http://fchc.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/pro-1.jpg • https://www.shortpoems.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/nature-wordsworth.jpg • https://www.royalparks.org.uk/_media/images/the-green-park/cover-photos/Green-Park-cover-p hoto.jpg/w_1200.jpg

Полный текст материала Интерактивный тест по английскому языку на тему "Passive voice"; 7-8 класс смотрите в скачиваемом файле.
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Автор: Алексеенко Юлия Сергеевна  Alexeyenko
01.10.2016 2 5607 991

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