Презентация к уроку английского языка "St. Valentine`s Day"

Слайд 2 Our holiday parade is presented in the form of the traffic light

My holiday is St. Valentine’s Day .

The leading colour is red.


Слайд 4 St. Valentine`s Day

St. Valentine's Day is the day of sweethearts. This day people show their friends, relatives and beloved that they care and love them. People send candies or flowers to those whom they love. Most people send «valentines», greeting cards named after St. Valentine's letters written from prison. Valentines can be sentimental and romantic, or funny and friendly. Valentines can be anonymous. Valentines can be heart-shaped or have hearts on them. People buy valentines or make them themselves.

Слайд 5  Some facts from History

There are several legends about St. Valentine's Day. One of the legends says that Valentine was a Christian priest who lived in the 3 century A.D. He was put into prison by roman authorities for his teachings and was beheaded on February 14. According to the legend he performed a miracle — he cured his jailer's daughter of her blindness. Before the execution he wrote her a letter signed «From Your Valentine». Another legend says that the same Valentine wrote from prison to children and friends who loved him.

According to the other legend, Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time. He was thrown into prison because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman Empire. 



Слайд 6  The early traditions of St. Valentine's Day in England


  •    In Great Britain, a young girl wrote the names of her sweethearts on small scraps of paper, which were placed on clay balls. The balls were dropped into water with the belief that whichever scrap of paper surfaced first would be the name of the man destined to be her future husband.

  •     In England, centuries ago, children dressed up as adults and went singing from house to house. One such verse was:

           "Good morning to you, valentine;
Curl your locks as I do mine--
Two before and three behind.
Good morning to you, valentine."


  •  An old English custom was for people to call out, "Good morning, St. Valentine's Day." The person who succeeded in being the first to say this then expected to receive a present from the one to whom it was said.

  • By tradition, a young girl was supposed to eventually marry the first eligible man she met on Valentine's Day.

Слайд 8 The main emblem of St. Valentine's day


The classical emblems of St. Valentine’s day are considered to be red roses. According to the ancient legend: the Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite, hurrying to his beloved, was near the Bush with the white roses and her divine blood coloured them in red.


Слайд 9 PRESENTS FOR St. Valentine's day

People give sweets, flowers, toys and other gifts to their friends. Many valentines have romantic verses or humorous pictures. This day people say: "Be my Valentine!"


Слайд 10The Red colour “ in idioms and word combinations

As you know, the main colour of this holiday is red.

«Red» - this colour is associated in our country and in England with love, heart, joy, brightness, passion, fire, fire in soul, but there are associations with negative meanings: blood, shame, danger.

We can see these meanings in such idioms and word combinations as:


  • See red - обезуметь, прийти в ярость

  • Be in the red - быть в долгу

  • To have a red face - покраснеть от стыда или от смущения

  • In the red - влезший в долги, превысивший кредит, убыточный

  • Out of the red - приносящий прибыль

  • Red light district - квартал публичных домов


Слайд 11

  • Red-tape - бюрократический, канцелярский, связанный с волокитой

  • Redness - полит. приверженность красным, коммунистам

  • Red cent - (медная) монета в 1 цент; пренебр. медный грош (It is not worth a red cent. Гроша медного не стоит.)

  • Red - рыжий (о волосах)

  • Red-handed - пойманный с поличным

  • Red herring - отвлекающий манёвр (букв. красная сельдь; сильно пахнущая копчёная селёдка использовалась, чтобы сбивать охотничьих собак со следа)

  • Red as a beet as – красный как рак

  • A red-letter day праздничный день

  • Red sky at night shepherds delight -
    Красное небо вечером - пастуху радость.

  • Red sky in the morning shepherds warning -
    Красное небо утром - предупреждение пастуху.

  • Catch somebody red-handed - поймать кого-либо с поличным



Слайд 1
Кузнецова Алёна МОБУ СОШ №20 класс 7 «В» Республика Башкортостан г. Белорецк St. Valentine`s Day Детский международный конкурс презентаций «Holiday Parade. ПарадНаставник: праздников». Мишанова Алена Викторовна
Слайд 2
Our holiday parade is presented in the form of the traffic light • • • My holiday is St. Valentine’s Day . The leading colour is red.
Слайд 3
Слайд 4
ST. VALENTINE`S St. Valentine's Day is the day of sweethearts. This DAYrelatives and beloved day people show their friends, that they care and love them. People send candies or flowers to those whom they love. Most people send «valentines», greeting cards named after St. Valentine's letters written from prison. Valentines can be sentimental and romantic, or funny and friendly. Valentines can be anonymous. Valentines can be heart-shaped or have hearts on them. People buy valentines or make them themselves.
Слайд 5
 Some facts from History There are several legends about St. Valentine's Day. One of the legends says that Valentine was a Christian priest who lived in the 3 century A.D. He was put into prison by roman authorities for his teachings and was beheaded on February 14. According to the legend he performed a miracle — he cured his jailer's daughter of her blindness. Before the execution he wrote her a letter signed «From Your Valentine». Another legend says that the same Valentine wrote from prison to children and friends who loved him. According to the other legend, Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time.
Слайд 6
The early traditions of St. Valentine's Day in England •     In Great Britain, a young girl wrote the names of her sweethearts on small scraps of paper, which were placed on clay balls. The balls were dropped into water with the belief that whichever scrap of paper surfaced first would be the name of the man destined to be her future husband. •     In England, centuries ago, children dressed up as adults and went singing from house to One such custom verse was: • house.    An old English was for people to call out, "Good            "Good morning to you,The person who succeeded in morning, St. Valentine's Day." valentine; being the first to say this then expected to receive a present from Curl your locks I do the one to whom it was as said. •mine-By tradition, a young girl was supposed to eventually marry Two before and three
Слайд 7
Symbols of St. Valentine's Day Rose Gloves Lace Heart Rings Cupid
Слайд 8
. t S f o em l b m e n i a m e y a Th d ’s s e ' n e i t n n i t e l n t. Va S Vale f o s blem s. em se l o r a c d i s e r s be o t e The cla d h e t r : e d d i n s e on eg l c t e n r e a i c y n a da y t e u h t a e o t b ng and s e a v o w l , Accordi f d o e s lov es e d b d o s i g h k d o t n a g s Gree n i e y s r ro hur e t , i e h t i w d e o h d. t e r h Aphr t i n i w sh em u h t B d e e h r t lou o near c d o o bl e n i v i d her
Слайд 9
PRESENTS FOR ST. VALENTINE'S DAY People give sweets, flowers, toys and other gifts to their friends. Many valentines have romantic verses or humorous pictures. This day people say: "Be my Valentine!"
Слайд 10
“The Red colour “ in idioms and word Ascombinations you know, the main colour of this holiday is red. «Red» - this colour is associated in our country and in England with love, heart, joy, brightness, passion, fire, fire in soul, but there are associations with negative meanings: blood, shame, danger. We can see these meanings in idioms and word  such See red - обезуметь, прийти в combinations as: ярость  Be in the red - быть в долгу  To have a red face покраснеть от стыда или от смущения  In the red - влезший в долги, превысивший кредит, убыточный  Out of the red - приносящий
Слайд 11
 Red-tape - бюрократический, канцелярский, связанный с волокитой  Redness - полит. приверженность красным, коммунистам  Red cent - (медная) монета в 1 цент; пренебр. медный грош (It is not worth a red cent. Гроша медного не стоит.)  Red - рыжий (о волосах)  Red-handed - пойманный с поличным  Red herring - отвлекающий манёвр (букв. красная сельдь; сильно пахнущая копчёная селёдка чтобы сбивать  использовалась, Red sky at night shepherds охотничьих собак со следа) delight  Red as a beet as – красный как рак Красное небо вечером - пастуху  A red-letter day – праздничный радость. день  Red sky in the morning shepherds warning Красное небо утром предупреждение пастуху.
Слайд 12
THE LIST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Амбражейчик А. 2000 русских и 2000 английских идиом, фразеологизмов и устойчивых словосочетаний. – Мн.: ООО «Попурри», 2003. – 304с. Голицынский Ю.Б. Великобритания: СПб.: Каро, 2001. – 480с., ил. Занина Е.Л. 95 устных тем по английскому языку – М.: Рольф, 1997. – 320с. Митина И.Е. Флора и фауна: словарь английских идиом – СПб.: Каро, 2001. – 160с. Моисеев М.Д. Устные темы по английскому языку. 5-11 классы. – М.: Аквариум, 1996. – 128с. По Великобритании: Учебное пособие к курсу «Страноведение» / Составитель Н.Ф. Вовченко. – К.: Общество «Знание», Коо, 1998. – 64с. Словарь английских пословиц и фразеологических выражений. –
Слайд 13
References: Texts: http://www.alleng.ru/engl-top/497.htm http:// www.russianbrideguide.com/valentine_day/valentines_traditions.shtml http:// www.romancestuck.com/holidays/valentine/valentines-day-symbols.ht m#sthash.66t1GLIU.dpbs http:// lady-x.ru/14-fevralya-den-svyatogo-valentina/1127-krasnaya-roza-embl ema-lyubvi.html http://englishon-line.ru/leksika-spravochnik6.html http://engblog.ru/colours Pictures: Все картинки взяты с http://images.yandex.ru/? uinfo=sw-1263-sh-653-fw-1221-fh-448-pd-1 Music: Phil Collins – Another Day in Paradise с http://www.mp3poisk.net/

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17.06.2018 0 1951 352

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