Интерактивная презентация к уроку английского языка"Seeing is Believing"; 9 класс

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Do you like visiting galleries and Do you like the fine art? museums?
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Seeing is believing English lesson, form 9, Module 3 Lobanova Elena Alexandrovna, English teacher of Secondary School №15, Ust-Ilimsk, 08/09/202 Irkutsk Region
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Route Illusion Description Assumption Attention
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Meaning illusions How many How many people are faces in the can you see in picture? the picture? Who are Two people: they? 10 a young lady faces and an old 7 8 9 6 5 10 2 3 4 1 woman Next Next
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Moving illusion The dotsthe seem to We see be turning. wheels are But it is an optical moving. But it’s illusion only antoo optical because it is illusion because exactly clear we know thatthat it they are painted! is simply the picture! Next
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Colour illusion It seems there are dark and light squares on the chess board. But it is the grey colour illusion. The light squares in the shadow The horses seem to have the different have the same colours. But it’s only the background colour as the illusion. These horses have the sameNext Next dark squares.
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Up and down illusion We see the lady and theanimals man Which are smiling and do you see in looking at each the picture? other. Do youBut seeifawe turn or thea picture frog horse? upside down we see the people are arguing! Next
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Geometric illusion The furtherthat the It seems down you see red lines are athooped the endinofthe the train centre, not tracks, the But it’s straight. closer they only a seem to be . geometrical Eventually, they appear to touch, but we illusion. The lines all know that they don’t really. Our eyes are really are simply playing tricks on us! parallel! Next
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a a white What are your assumptions? a bread cap painted basket wall must/can’t may + Infinitive + Infinitive without without to to sunburnt a ceramic hands we we aren’t are sure sure about about jug Johannes Vermeer something a milk (1632-1675)This This picture picture must may be be very some Dutch artist bucke expensive. old. holes I’m I’m sure notit’s sure very if it’s old.a brown t expensive; a face It can’t be an original. it’s possible. broken glass fresh I’m sure it isn’t an original. The Kitchen Maid, bread 1660 Assumption
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Description Jules Breton (1827-1906) French artist The Vintage at Chateau Lagrange, 1864 background isare sky and open The The ATwo man group The colour The field It’s oxen There is boy early picture workers of driving shades are women and isautumn the pulling looks men aare are country cart carrying collecting very at mostly aalong the cart helping realistic scene harvest baskets with green, the grapes carry road the red is
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Attention The route end Who What is can in the wecentre see in in the the What What What HowWhose What shows does are are the the is the portrait this the children colour painting season? oil painting? isshades? it? doing? look? background? foreground? Albert Anker (1831-1910) Swiss artist The Sunday School Walk, 1872

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Автор: Лобанова Елена Александровна  Lobanova
10.08.2018 2 3916 222

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