Интерактивная презентация по английскому языку "Where are the robots?"; 9 класс

Слайд 1
Science fiction writers What did they predict? What came true? What not? 1 Rockets Internet to the moon Jules Verne (1828-1905) Nuclear Robots power Isaac Asimov (1920-1992)
Слайд 2
Where are the ? English lesson, form 9, Module 4A 8/30/18 Lobanova Elena Alexandrovna, English teacher of Secondary school № 15, Ust-Ilimsk, Irkutsk Region
Слайд 3
Isaac Asimov’s Laws of Which robots do people need? Robotics 3
Слайд 4
Route Achievements Reality Problems 4 Vocabulary
Слайд 5
Reality 5 battle-field robot-bear rescuing apeople soldier A space A robot-vacuum cleaner AApersonal An A robot-cooker robot ironing walking robot the dog A The robot-lawn chess robots mower A Anursing robot-seal forrobot the elderly robot-surgeon at the operation The industrial A robot-pet robots at the factory
Слайд 6
The roboticists have already theovercome Follow news of some problems such the robotics as technology! mobility. In addition, robots can now look more human thanks the new materials and technologies. However, there are David Hanson’s some obstacles with invention of a skin Professor Hiroshi the language Honda’s ASIMO and can AIshiguro covering newsintelligence presenter called and his artificial walk, run, dance, play 6 robot Frubber Otonaroid human-like robot football Achievement s of robotics Do you want to have the human-like companions that can walk, talk and cater for all your needs? ASIMO can climb the stairs. The problem of A robot Gemanoid F mobility is overcome Robot Repliee Q2 and a real woman by the scientists David Hanson
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Problems Mobility Intelligence Robots can Robots need to perform only one A human-likehave a good task robot artificial brain 7 Reasoning Language Robots must think coherent and Robots must understand figurative
Слайд 8
Future of Robotics 8
Слайд 9
Vocabulary 1. build a) a reality 2. overcome b) like humans 3. divide c) the problem 4. become d) one task 5. perform 6. cater 9 e) for all our needs f) as to g) a robot 7. exist Use the completed phrases to make sentences based on the text!
Слайд 10
10 C R I R E F H N O E A I A T U CM A T G C O N S C I O U S NE S S UB O V R L E RI A L H N I AL I I O T T N Y I G L CI V E D YT G E N Y C A speech with A quality of A cognitive state The chores such The ability A way of to E The ability to the using moving freely A quality in which youof are as cleaning, understand thinking thatand is Well bring something idioms, (walk, run, being to aware ofnear yourself ironing, cooking, profit fromand the coherent done! towashing, existence emotional words climb stairs, the true value and your experience logical and gestures etc.) situation mowing, etc. Crossword
Слайд 11
How do you feel? 11 EX C E L L E N T WE L L V E R Y B ORI N G

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Автор: Лобанова Елена Александровна  Lobanova
30.08.2018 2 7339 992

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