Презентация по английскому языку "Body Parts"

Слайд 1
Слайд 2
I’m travelling to the PINK PLANET
Слайд 3
Let’s see how its inhabitants look like.
Слайд 4
It has got three eyes, two hands with four fingers, and two feet. It has also got some white spots on its face. Yes, it’s me. Click on the right monster NEXT
Слайд 5
It has got two eyes, two hands with three fingers, and two horns. It has also got two big feet and a hairy body. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 6
It has got three eyes, two arms, two feet, some hair, and a light tummy. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 7
It has got two eyes, two horns, and a big mouth with three teeth. It has also got a tail and two feet with three toes. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 8
It has got one big eye, a mouth with three teeth, and two short legs. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 9
It has got two eyes, a mouth with small teeth, and three antennas. It has also got two long arms and two short legs with small feet. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 10
I’m travelling to the GREEN PLANET
Слайд 11
Let’s see how its inhabitants look like.
Слайд 12
It has got a big mouth, a small nose, and five eyes. It has also got four legs with small feet. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 13
It has got three eyes and a big mouth. It has also got two hands with four fingers and two small feet with two toes. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 14
It has got two eyes and a mouth with one tooth. It has also got two hands with three fingers and two feet with three toes. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 15
It has got two antennas, a mouth with many teeth, a long tail, and four feet. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 16
It has got two antennas, a mouth with many teeth, a big eye, and two pointed ears. It has also got two hands with three fingers, a long tail, and two feet. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 17
It has got two eyes, a big nose, and a big mouth. It has also got two hands with four fingers, two long legs, and two small feet. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 18
I’m travelling to the PURPLE PLANET
Слайд 19
Let’s see how its inhabitants look like.
Слайд 20
It has got two eyes, a small mouth with two small teeth, two arms, and two short legs with small feet. It has also got some spots on its body. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 21
It has got one big eye, a mouth with two teeth, two antennas, two arms, two short legs, and two small feet. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 22
It has got one big eye, a mouth with two small teeth, two arms, two short legs, and two small feet. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 23
It has got two eyes, two ears, a nose, and a big mouth with nine teeth. It has also got two legs, two feet with two toes, and a hairy body. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 24
It has got one big eye, two horns, a big mouth with two teeth, and a tongue. It has also got two arms with three fingers and two legs with two toes. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 25
It has got two eyes, two antennas, a big green nose, and two green hands with four fingers.It has also got two orange feet with three toes. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 26
I’m travelling to the BLUE PLANET
Слайд 27
Let’s see how its inhabitants look like.
Слайд 28
It has got two eyes, a small mouth with two teeth, an antenna, and some spots on his body. It has also got four hands with three fingers and two small feet. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 29
It has got one big eye, two antennas, a mouth with one tooth, and some yellow spots. It has also got four hands with four fingers and two feet with two toes. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 30
It has got one big eye, two small eyes, and some spots. It has also got two legs and two black feet. It hasn’t got any mouth. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 31
It has got two eyes, one big green nose, and a big mouth with four teeth. It has also got two hands with four fingers and two feet. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 32
It has got two eyes, two ears, and a mouth with one small tooth. It has also got two hands with four fingers and two feet. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 33
It has got two small eyes, two horns, and a small mouth with two small tooth. It has also got two hands and two feet. Yes, it’s me. NEXT
Слайд 34
Can you describe these monsters? NEXT
Слайд 35

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Автор: Плотникова Юлия Андреевна  Публикатор
06.04.2021 0 3854 452

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