Презентация к уроку английского языка "The passive voice"; 10 класс

Слайд 1
The Passive Voice
Слайд 2
for m Dinner Passiv e be V3/Ved is cooked 2
Слайд 3
Do – did – ………………. Bring – brought – ……… Give – gave – …………… See – saw – ……………… Build – built – …………... Write – wrote – …………. Swim – swam – …………. Make – made – …………. Learn – learnt – ……….. Take – took – …………… Speak – spoke – ………... Read – read – ………….. Forget – forgot – ………. Buy – bought – ………… Feel – felt – …………….. 3
Слайд 4
1.Present Simple am/is/are + V3/ed 2.Present Continuous am/is/are being + ca erbs V3/ed v l a d + 8.Mo ould be st/sh n/mu V3/edPerfect 3.Present have/has been + V3/ed 4.Past Simple was/were + V3/ed 5.Past Continuous was/were being + V3/ed 6.Past Perfect had been + V3/ed 7.Future Simple will be + V3/ed 4
Слайд 5
Compare and explain: 1. Джон Нэйпер создал костюмы. 2. Костюмы были созданы Джоном Нэйпером. 1.John Napier designed the costumes. (Active voice) 2. The costumes were designed by John Napier. (Passive voice) 5
Слайд 6
The structure of the sentence: Acti ve John Napier designed the costumes. действие объект субъект The costumes were designed by John Passi Napier. By/with + действи объект ve субъект е 6
Слайд 7
I cook the dinner. The dinner is cooked by me. He is repairing the car. The car is being repaired by him. 7
Слайд 8
Why Passive? 1. Сделать акцент на самом действии, а не на том, кто его совершает: The new theatre will be opened tomorrow by the Mayor. 2. Субъект действия неизвестен, неважен или очевиден: BMW cars are made in Germany. 8
Слайд 9
1.Present Simple am/is/are + V3/ed 2.Present Continuous am/is/are being + ca erbs V3/ed v l a d + 8.Mo ould be st/sh n/mu V3/edPerfect 3.Present have/has been + V3/ed 4.Past Simple was/were + V3/ed 5.Past Continuous was/were being + V3/ed 6.Past Perfect had been + V3/ed 7.Future Simple will be + V3/ed 9
Слайд 10
Rewrite the following text using the passive voice Thieves broke into the Smiths' house last night. The police are dusting the house now for fingerprints but they haven't found any evidence yet. They have already questioned the neighbours but they haven't arrested any suspects yet. The police have released two artists' impressions and hopefully they will find the thieves soon. When the police find them, they will interrogate them and maybe they will recover the stolen goods. e.g. The Smiths' house was broken into last night. 10
Слайд 11

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Автор: Сошнина Елена Геннадиевна  Публикатор
06.11.2022 0 1334 89

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