Интерактивная викторина "Что вы знаете о Шекспире?" на английском языке

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Интерактивная викторина «Что вы знаете о Шекспире» (на английском языке) Разработала: Медведева Екатерина Станиславовна, учитель английского языка МАОУ «Гимназия №1» г.Брянска
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
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1. Shakespeare was born in a.1564 b.1616 c. 1558 d.1592
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2. Shakespeare was born in a.London b.Stratford-upon-Avon c. Edinburgh d.Oxford
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3. The names of Shakespeare's father and mother were: a.Abraham and Sara b.William and Anne c. John and Mary d.George and Elisabeth
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4. Shakespeare married … a.Mary Arden b.Susanna Hall c. Anne Hathaway d.Mary Queen of Scots
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5. Shakespeare was the father of how many children? a.3 b.2 c. 10 d.1
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6. In what year was the Globe Theater built? a.1594 b.1599 c. 1608 d.1613
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7. Shakespeare’s first name was … a.John b.Peter c. William d.Hamlet
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8. Shakespeare’s mother was… a.Ann Hathaway b.Mary Arden c. Susanna Shakespeare d.Elisabeth Tudor
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9. The English for “Укрощение строптивой” is a.Saving of the Crew b.Craving of the Stew c. Taming of the Shrew d.Raving of the Queue
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10. How many plays were written by Shakespeare? a.54 b.37 c. 29 d.18
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11. Romeo was from the family of … a.Montecky b.Montague c.Capulet d.Capuletti
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12. Juliet was from the family of … a.Montecky b.Montague c. Capulet d.Capuletti
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13. The words “Brevity is the soul of wit” are from a.“Hamlet” b.“As You Like It” c. “Othello” d.“King Lear”
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14. The words “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players” are from a.“Hamlet” b.“As You Like It” c. “Othello” d.“King Lear”
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15. The words “But love is blind, and lovers cannot see” are from a.“Romeo and Juliet” b.“As You Like It” c. “Othello” d.“The Merchant of Venice ”
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16. The words “A horse! a horse! My kingdom for a horse!” are from a.“Richard III” b.“Henry V” c. “Julius Caesar” d.“King Henry IV”
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17. Shakespeare was born on the a.7th of August b.23rd of April c. 21st of September d.29th of February
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18. Shakespeare died on the a.7th of August b.23rd of April c. 21st of September d.29th of February
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19. In his will Shakespeare left most of his fortune a.to his son b.to his wife c. to his younger daughter d.to his elder daughter
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20. Shakespeare got married at the age of… a.sixteen b.eighteen c. twenty d.twenty one
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21. The publisher dedicated the first edition of Shakespeare’s sonnets to a.H.W. b.S.W. c. W.H. d.W.S.
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22. Finish the line: “To be or not to be - …” a.that is a question b.that is the question c. that is a problem d.it doesn’t matter
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23. Finish the line: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as …” a.strange b.sweet c. nice d.rotten
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24. The line “Tired with all this, for restful death I cry” is from … a.Sonnet 66 b.Sonnet 90 c.Sonnet 116 d.Sonnet 130
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25. The line “Than hate me when thou wilt!” is from … a.Sonnet 66 b.Sonnet 90 c.Sonnet 116 d.Sonnet 130
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26. The line “My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun” is from … a.Sonnet 66 b.Sonnet 90 c.Sonnet 116 d.Sonnet 130
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27. Shakespeare wrote a.137 sonnets b.154 sonnets c.182 sonnets d.198 sonnets
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28. Most of Shakespeare’s sonnets are addressed to a.Dark Lady b.Fair Lady c.Friend d.Himself
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29. Sometimes Shakespeare’s plays are attributed to a.Geoffrey Chaucer b.Francis Bacon c.Philip Sidney d.Thomas More
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30. Shakespeare’s tragedy is entitled “Hamlet, Prince of …” a.Wales b.Verona c.Denmark d.Ireland
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31. The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet” is set in … a.Venice b.Verona c.Florence d.London
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32. The name of Juliet’s cousin was… a.Tybald b.Paris c. Benvolio d.Mercutio
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33. Juliet’s parents wanted her to marry a.Tybald b.Paris c. Benvolio d.Mercutio
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34. How old was Juliet? a.13 b.14 c. 15 d.16
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35. At the end of the play Juliet a.poisoned herself b.killed herself with a dag ger c. hanged herself d.got married
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36. At the end of the play Romeo a.poisoned himself b.killed himself with a dag ger c. hanged himself d.got married
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37. Shakespeare died in a.1599 b.1616 c. 1623 d.1642
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38. The name of Romeo’s beloved was a.Ophelia b.Desdemona c. Juliet d.Othello
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• http://eng.1september.ru/article.php?ID=199901602 • http://absoluteshakespeare.com/trivia/biography/shakespear e_biography.htm • http://imgfotki.yandex.ru/get/6701/181450557.7c/0_acb64_83e438c0_ orig.gif • http://imgfotki.yandex.ru/get/9109/181450557.7c/0_acb63_1348ec07_ orig.gif • http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/image/5537162-3x4700x933.jpg • http://dic.academic.ru/pictures/bse/jpg/0214501390.jpg • http://www.strf.ru/Attachment.aspx?Id=44399

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Автор: Медведева Екатерина Станиславовна  medvkaterina
02.11.2015 0 14289 1566

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