Презентация на английском языке "Unique Toronto"

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Unique Toronto Конкурс презентаций "Я мыслью улечу к брегам туманным Альбиона" Сообщество взаимопомощи учителей Pedsovet.su Мунько Екатерина Владимировна учитель Глобальных Перспектив и Проектной работы Назарбаев Интеллектуальные Школы Казахстан
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Facts about Toronto • • • • Founded in 1834 The largest city in Canada Population: about 2.8 million people 307 km of rivers and creeks run through the city • One of the “greenest” cities in the world • Over 140 languages and dialects are spoken in Toronto
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CN Tower • Communications and observation tower- the largest tower in the world – 553 meters high. • The elevator will take you up to the restaurant with the glass floor
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Yonge Street • Yonge Street in Toronto is the longest street in the world: 1896 km long
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Royal Ontario Museum • Canada’s biggest national historic museum •More than six millions items and forty galleries •Attracts over one million visitors every year.
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The PATH • Toronto has the largest underground city in the world called THE PATH • About 27 km long • Contains 1200 shops • Connects more than 50 office buildings • Using PATH one can access twenty parking garages, five subway stations, two major department stores, six major hotels, and a railway terminal
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• Royal Bank Plaza RBP is the headquarters of Royal Bank of Canada • Consists of two Towers: North and South • The exteriors of the Towers are covered with gold-bronze glass with tan granite accents. The glass was colored using 71,000 g. of gold
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Hockey Hall of Fame • The home of the Stanley Cup • the finest collection of hockey artifacts; themed exhibits dedicated to the game’s greatest players, teams and achievements; an extensive array of multimedia stations; theatres; larger-than-life statues; a replica NHL dressing room
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Niagara Falls • You can get on a one-day bus tour from Toronto to Niagara Falls that is only 130 km southwest of Toronto
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Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada • Built at the base of CN Tower • Contains 16,000 aquatic animals • North America’s longest underwater viewing tunnel with more than 5.7 million liters of water and over 100 interactive opportunities
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Ontario Science Centre • Opened in 1969 • Since then hosted more than 49 million visitors • Centre for innovative thinking and public dialogue about science, technology and society
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Источники иллюстраций • http://bowjamesbow.ca/images/Image-Toronto24.JPG.jpg • http://b.citypass.com/blog/post/20130228-1-PATH3.jpg • http://cdn.ipernity.com/138/28/55/27492855.2c94a592.500.jpg ?r2 • http://www.oxfordproperties.com/leasing/Content/property/RO YALBNK/gallery/lrg/HERO_Toronto_RBP_329-002_Ext.jpg • http://img1.10bestmedia.com/Images/Photos/191168/520215 2433-9425418676-b_54_990x660_201404231538.jpg • http://miamiherald.typepad.com/.a/6a00d83451b26169e2015 38f80e49b970b-pi • http://www.hg2toronto.com/sights/museum/---hockey-hall-offame---toronto-canada • http://smartcanucks.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/ripley-aq uarium.jpg • http://tedxyouthtoronto.ca/files/osc.jpg • http://www.destination360.com/north-
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Источники текстовой информации • 1) Toronto Facts (2015). Toronto. Retrieved from http://www.toronto.ca/ • 2) Достопримечательности Торонто (2013). World Journey. Взято с сайта http://worldjourney.ru/america/195-dostoprimechatelnosti-toronto.h tml • 3) Toronto/Yonge Street (2015). WikiTravel. Retrieved from http://wikitravel.org/en/Toronto/Yonge_Street • 4) PATH. Underground city (2015). A view on cities. Retrieved from http://www.aviewoncities.com/toronto/path.htm • 5) Hockey Hall of Fame (n.d.) Hg2 Toronto. Retrieved from http://www.hg2toronto.com/sights/museum/---hockey-hall-of-fame--toronto-canada • 6) Conserve, Educate, Inspire! (n.d.) Ripley’s aquarium of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.ripleyaquariums.com/canada/us/ • 7) Who we are (n.d.) Ontario Science Centre. Retrieved from http://www.ontariosciencecentre.ca/WhoWeAre/

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Автор: Мунько Екатерина Владимировна  Екатерина_Пашкова
08.07.2015 0 6962 638

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