Презентация к уроку английского языка "Space travel"; 9 класс

Слайд 1
Space travel English, grade 9 M. Iglikova Aqtobe, 2021
Слайд 2
Instructions Hello, dear friends! Today we are going to learn new words about Space! Be attentive! Don’t forget to write down the words and learn them by heart!
Слайд 3
Translate the words наука Космический корабль Космическая станция спутник искусственный передатчик science spaceship space station satellite artificial transmitter
Слайд 4
Translate the words высадить исследователь исследовать космонавт Солнечная система межпланетный researcher explore to land spaceman Solar System
Слайд 5
Identify the person Y. Gagarin invented the idea of space rockets. constructed the first spaceship. N. Armstrong T. Aubakirov was the first man in space. S. Korolev is a cosmonaut who was born in Kazakhstan K. Tsiolkovsky was the first man on the moon. science space spaceship station satellite artificial transmitter
Слайд 6
Translate and put the words into the sentences Солнце солнечная энергия The _____ System is a system of planets centered on a bright star, a source of ________, heat and light the Sun. In the center of the Solar system is ________, around which revolve in orbits nine planets. energy the Sun Solar
Слайд 7
Well done! You can successfully use these words in your speech! Exit

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Автор: Игликова Марианна Николаевна  Публикатор
27.04.2021 0 1197 180

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