Презентация к уроку английского языка "Science and technology"; 8 класс

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Science and technology English, grade 9 M. Iglikova Aqtobe, 2021
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Hello, my friend! Today we are going to know something new about science and technology! Be attentive! Are you ready?
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The solar system is a part of the Milky Way … Start the Earth Galaxy solar system
Слайд 4
Nothing can go faster than the speed of … Start light solid electrons
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Molecules are made up of … Start electrons atoms solid
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The sun is at the centre of the … Start Earth Galaxy solar system
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The principles and uses of computers are studied in … Start physics computer science meteorology
Слайд 8
entific instrument that makes distant ob appear closer is a … Start telescope microscope circumference
Слайд 9
You are a fine fellow! Exit

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Автор: Игликова Марианна Николаевна  Публикатор
19.05.2021 0 1489 209

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