Презентация к уроку английского языка "Dunno and his friends"; 6 класс

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Dunno and his friends English, grade 6 P. Baishaganova Aktobe, 2021
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Dear friend! Let's help Dunno and his friends do some exercises. Good luck to you!
Слайд 3
Gate Bridge is one of the ____ (famous) bridges i start famouser most famous more famous
Слайд 4
Victoria Falls is _____ (large) than Niagara Falls. start The largest the larger larger
Слайд 5
and August are the _____ (hot) months in Death Va start hotest hottest hotter
Слайд 6
Pacific Ocean is _____ (deep) than the Atlantic Oc start deepest deeper deepper
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ngel Falls is the _____ (high) waterfall in the world start higher the highest highest
Слайд 8
atican city is the _____ (small) country in the world start most small smaller smallest
Слайд 9
Excellent! You helped Dunno and his friends to do all the tasks! exit

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Автор: Байшағанова Перизат Бауыржанқызы  Публикатор
27.05.2021 0 849 178

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