Презентация к уроку английского языка "Degrees of adjectives"; 6 класс

Слайд 1
Degrees of adjectives English, grade 6 P. Baishaganova Aktobe, 2021
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Dear friend, today you will do exercises for comparing the degrees of adjectives. Good luck! start
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Choose the right comparison It’ s the deepest ocean in the world. (Deep) Planes are faster than trains. (Fast) She’ s the best student of all. (Good) Planes are the most expensive means of transport. (Expensive) check
Слайд 4
Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the comparative form London is more expensive than Bath. (Expensive) London is noisier than Bath. (Noisy) London is bigger than Bath. (Big) London is more crowded than Bath. (Crowded) check
Слайд 5
Choose the words with the correct comparison bigger niceer better nicer noisyer worse goodder biger larger check
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Choose the words with the correct degrees more exciting more noisyest mucher worse gooddest baddest most beautiful best check
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Select pictures where is the most crowded place check
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Select pictures with noisier vehicles check
Слайд 9
Good job! Now you can use the degrees of adjectives correctly. exit

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Автор: Байшағанова Перизат Бауыржанқызы  Публикатор
27.05.2021 0 1349 178

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