Презентация к уроку английского языка "Exploring the world"; 6 класс

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Exploring the world English, grade 6 P. Baishaganova Aktobe, 2021
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Dear friend! Today we will do some exercises on the topic “Exploring the world” Good luck! Start
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Which a land, sea or air transport? Land Sea Air
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Find sea transport
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Label the pictures Tram Bike Boat
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The train is very slow, … ? isn’t it doesn’t it next
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Complete the sentences with the words below. … My sister takes the number 12 In Alaska, people ride a We took a helicopter … … to go to work. to get around in the winter. ride over the city. bus snowmobile
Слайд 8
I like travelling … train. by in on
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Well done! Wish you success in your studies! Exit

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Автор: Байшағанова Перизат Бауыржанқызы  Публикатор
27.05.2021 0 1187 171

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