Интерактивная презентация к уроку английского языка "Avril Lavigne"; 7 класс

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English lesson, form 7, Module 7c “In the spotlight” Avril Lavigne Lobanova Elena Alexandrovna, English teacher of Secondary School № 15, Ust-Ilimsk, Irkutsk region
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When did you meet the name Avril Lavigne at the first time? We saw her name in the textbook “Spotlight - 5” What do you know about this famous singer, songwriter, actress and designer? 2
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Route 3
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Early years On the 27 September 1984,Ontario – Napanee, Famous at 14 Avril Lavigne’s first Belleville, Ontario, Canada her childhood album Let Go town was released in 2002. There were sold 16 million copies of it. Her songs were in the top of music charts She was a very active girl. She started singing at the age of two in the church choir As a and teen Her Judith-Rosanne brother Matthew and Jean-Claude her sisterLavigne Michelle 4
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Later years 2002: Let Go 2004: Under My Skin 2007: The Best Damn Thing 2011: Goodbye Lullaby 2013: Avril Lavigne 2019: Head Above Water 2022: Love Sux 5
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Famous for The role of Kameo (2002) J The judge invoiced American Idol Season 9the (2010) Avril Lavigne’s perfumes Avril She Lavigne voiced Snow Heather White in in new Over Charming Hedge Abbey Dawnand outfits The roles songs 6
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Achievements Avril Lavigne won MTV Russia Music Award in 2004 as the Best Foreign Singer Shewon wasThe nominated times in 2003 She Grammy8Awards Avril Lavigne won over 100 musical awards 7

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Автор: Лобанова Елена Александровна  Lobanova
24.03.2022 0 860 150

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