Презентация к уроку английского языка "London International Mime Festival"

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London International Mime Festival

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«Детский международный конкурс презентаций

«Holiday Parade. Парад праздников»

London International Mime Festival

Выполнили: Бузмакова Юлия, Беляева Ксения

ученицы 10 класса А


Пермский край. Г. Березники

Научный руководитель:

Минеева Светлана Анатольевна

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  • Art of Mime

  • London International Mime Festival

  • History of the Festival

  • Nola Rae – Mother of the Festival

  • The Mime Festival nowadays

  • Bibliography / References

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Art of mime

Mime is the use of movements of your hands or body and the expressions on your face to tell a story or to act sth without speaking; a performance using this method of acting.

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London International Mime Festival

The London International Mime Festival (LIMF) is an annual theatre event in London.

LIMF now functions as a very high-level international festival of dance, circus and puppet theatre. The shows are carefully selected.

The Festival starts with a dynamic programme of award-winning new circus, performance art, physical and object theatre - a host of more or less wordless shows that defy categorization.

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History of the festival

It was founded by producer, Joseph Seelig, and mime/clown, Nola Rae. Inspired by Cologne's Gaukler Festival and Amsterdam’s Festival of Fools, the first edition took place in 1977 to showcase the work of British visual theatre artists, many better known abroad than in their own country.

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Nola Rae – Mother of the Festival

Nola Rae is an artist of international standing and is one of the most unique performers in modern British Theatre.

Her style, using a mix of mime, dance, comedy and puppetry, bound by a razor sharp wit, reaches out and touches an audience at all levels. Few can hold a stage with such absolute ease and without a word spoken. Her work has been seen in more than 69 countries.

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The Mime Festival nowadays

LIMF 2013 closed on January 27 after 18 days of extraordinary performances.

The most significant performances were the “Les Ballets C. de la B”, “Switzerland’s circus-theatre” of ”Zimmermann & de Perrot” and London theatre “Blind Summit”. In addition, seminars and discussions were an integral part of the programme.

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Zimmermann & de Perrot

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Bibliography/ references

Лондонский фестиваль пантомимы, Лондон/форма доступа http://www.ayda.ru/england/london/places/london-mime-festival-8719

London International Mime Festival/форма доступа http://www.mimelondon.com/archive2013.html

В Лондоне проходит Международный фестиваль мимов/ форма доступа http://www.meta.kz/367959-v-londone-prokhodit-mezhdunarodnyjj-festival-mimov.html

Международный фестиваль пантомимы и клоунады "London International Mime Festival«/форма доступа http://www.jtp.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=662:-----qlondon-international-mime-festivalq&catid=141:circus&Itemid=415

В Лондоне проходит Международный фестиваль пантомимы и клоунады/форма доступа http://freshnews.pro/news/1154/

Nola Rae: Outstanding Physical Visual Theatre/форма доступа http://www.nolarae.com/

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English

A S Hornby, Seventh edition, OXFORD, University Press, p.970


Слайд 1
«Детский международный конкурс презентаций «Holiday Parade. Парад праздников» LONDON INTERNATIONAL MIME FESTIVAL Выполнили: Бузмакова Юлия, Беляева Ксения ученицы 10 класса А МАОУ «СОШ с УИОП №3» Пермский край. Г. Березники Научный руководитель: Минеева Светлана Анатольевна
Слайд 2
CONTENTS  Art of Mime  London International Mime Festival  History of the Festival  Nola Rae – Mother of the Festival  The Mime Festival nowadays  Bibliography / References
Слайд 3
ART OF MIME Mime is the use of movements of your hands or body and the expressions on your face to tell a story or to act sth without speaking; a performance using this method of acting.
Слайд 4
LONDON INTERNATIONAL MIME FESTIVAL The London International Mime Festival (LIMF) is an annual theatre event in London. LIMF now functions as a very high-level international festival of dance, circus and puppet theatre. The shows are carefully selected. The Festival starts with a dynamic programme of awardwinning new circus, performance art, physical and object theatre - a host of more or less wordless shows that defy categorization.
Слайд 5
HISTORY OF THE FESTIVAL It was founded by producer, Joseph Seelig, and mime/clown, Nola Rae. Inspired by Cologne's Gaukler Festival and Amsterdam’s Festival of Fools, the fi rst edition took place in 1977 to showcase the work of British visual theatre artists, many better known abroad than in their own country.
Слайд 6
NOLA RAE – MOTHER OF THE FESTIVAL Nola Rae is an artist of international standing and is one of the most unique performers in modern British Theatre. Her style, using a mix of mime, dance, comedy and puppetry, bound by a razor sharp wit, reaches out and touches an audience at all levels. Few can hold a stage with such absolute ease and without a word spoken. Her work has been seen in more than 69 countries.
Слайд 7
THE MIME FESTIVAL NOWADAYS LIMF 2013 closed on January 27 after 18 days of extraordinary performances. The most signifi cant performances were the “Les Ballets C. de la B”, “Switzerland’s circustheatre” of ”Zimmermann & de Perrot” and London theatre “Blind Summit”. In addition, seminars and discussions were an integral part of the programme.
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Слайд 10
BIBLIOGRAPHY/ REFERENCES  Л ондонский фестиваль пантомимы, Л ондон/фор ма доступа http://www.ayda.ru/england/london/places/london-mime-festiv al-8719  Lon don International Mime Festival/форма доступа http://www.mimelondon.com/archive2013.html  В Л ондоне проходит Между народный фестиваль мимов/ форма доступа http://www.meta.kz/367959-v-londone-prokhodit-mezhdunarodn yjj-festival-mimov.html  Международный фестиваль пантомимы и клоунады "Lon don International Mime Festival«/форма доступа http://www.jtp.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=articl e&id=662:-----qlondon-international-mime-festivalq&catid=1 41:circus&Itemid=415  В Л ондоне проходит Между народный фестиваль пантомимы и клоунады/форма доступа http://freshnews.pro/news/1154/  Nola Rae: Ou tstanding Physical Vis ual Theatre/форма доступа http://www.nolarae.com/

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Автор: Бузмакова Юлия  Публикатор
17.06.2018 0 1772 340

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