Презентация к уроку английского языка "Epiphany"

Слайд 1. Ф.И. Рахнянская Александра
Класс: 6 класс
Название работы: Epiphany
МБОУ «Ульт-Ягунская СОШ»
Сургутский район
Наставник:Абдуллина Ю.В.
«Детский международный конкурс презентаций «Holiday Parade. Парад праздников»

Слайд 2. Epiphany

Слайд 3. Epiphany is celebrated on January ,19


Слайд 4. The evangelical legend says that on this day Jesus came to John the Baptist with the request baptize him in the river Jordan.

Слайд 5. When Christ went out of the water, the Holy Spirit came down on him as a dove, and a voice was heard from the heaven: "You are my beloved Son, whom I am well pleased."

Слайд 6. On the day after the Liturgy of Baptism to the hole went the procession, accompanied by all the villagers

Слайд 7. On this day there is a procession to the river, where a prayer service and blessing
is made of water

Слайд 8. After the consecration of the water there is usually ice swimming, and without harm, old and young people.

Слайд 9. On Epiphany the water in the rivers is considered to be curative, magical.

Слайд 10. Baptized usually turn towards the west, that symbolizes the rejection of evil (the devil), because West
is a haven of darkness and Satan - "spiritual darkness"

Слайд 11. Источники информации: http://en.wikipedia.org ,http://images.yandex.ru




Слайд 1
Слайд 2
Слайд 3
Слайд 4
The evangelical legend says that on this day Jesus came to John the Baptist with the request baptize him in the river Jordan
Слайд 5
When Christ went out of the water, the Holy Spirit came down on him as a dove, and a voice was heard from the heaven: "You are my beloved Son, whom I am well pleased."
Слайд 6
On the day after the Liturgy of Baptism to the hole went the procession, accompanied by all the villagers
Слайд 7
On this day there is a procession to the river, where a prayer service and blessing is made of water
Слайд 8
After the consecration of the water there is usually ice swimming, and without harm, old and young people.
Слайд 9
On Epiphany the water in the rivers is considered to be curative,magical.
Слайд 10
Baptized usually turn towards the west, that symbolizes the rejection of evil (the devil), because West is a haven of darkness and Satan - "spiritual darkness"
Слайд 11
Источники информации: • http://en.wikipedia.org • http://images.yandex.ru

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Автор: Рахнянская Александра  Публикатор
17.06.2018 0 1550 349

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