Презентация к уроку английского языка "Универсиада 2019"

Слайд 1
Зимние виды спорта Универсиады 2019 в школьной программе Winter sports of Universiade 2019 in school curriculum
Слайд 2
Project 1 make a presentation 2 translate texts about winter sports into Russian 3 design a poster 4 translate poems about sport into English Role play «Конференция с участниками соревнований»Конференция с участниками соревнований»»
Слайд 3
Виды спорта Универсиады 2019
Слайд 4
Hockey Hockey is a team game played between two teams of eleven players each. Players use hooked sticks to throw a puck to the goal.
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Bandy This is a game similar to field hockey or ice hockey, played with a ball and large curved sticks. There are two teams of eleven players each.
Слайд 6
Curling A game played on ice. There are large round flat stones. Players slide them to the mark. Members of a team use brooms. They sweep the ice in the path of the stone to control its speed and direction.
Слайд 7
Short-track The action or activity of gliding on ice skates or roller skates as a sport. Skaters should pass a short distance on the oval rink in time.
Слайд 8
Ice skating Ice skating is skating on ice to the music. Skaters are marked for technical and Artistic excellence in performing a series of movements. There are figure skating and dance skating.
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Biathlon Biathlon is a winter sport. This sport is mix of cross skating and riffle shooting.
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Skiing Skiing is a competitive winter sport in which the participant uses skis to glide on snow.
Слайд 11
Translate poems about sport into Russian Translate poems about sport into English
Слайд 12
Hockey • From the very first moment I saw them all, I knew that this was who I wanted to be. With my eyes wide open, looking around, "Does everyone else see what I see?" This is my life. It means the world to me. This is my love, who I'm meant to be. This is the calling of my destiny This is me. Hockey. I sit on the porch and think of that night. I was standing so close to fame. He looked at me. I swear he glanced. This is so much more than a game.
Слайд 13
Слайд 14
Make a card
Слайд 15
Practical part Design a poster of Universiade 2019
Слайд 16
Ролевая игра «Конференция с участниками соревнований»Конференция с участниками соревнований»» Подготовка: Карточки с видами спорта и карточки с легендами участников соревнований». Одна группа учащихся выбирается как представители СМИ Другая становится спортсменами. Журналисты готовят вопросы Спортсмены отвечают. Лучше подготовить вопросы заранее, чтобы помочь учащимся, поскольку задача импровизационного характера может быть сложной» для учеников. Однако, всё зависит от класса и уровня подготовки учащихся. Подобная ролевая игра хорошо подой»дёт, как для учащихся 6-11 классов.

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Автор: Михалёва Юлия Владимировна  Публикатор
21.10.2020 0 956 219

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