Презентация к уроку английского языка "Спорт и Олимпийские виды спорта"

Слайд 1
Good morning ! Нероева Карина Гаяновна учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ № 1 имени Героя России А. С. Кислова» г. Коркино
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Today is the 28 of March th Today is Thursday
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w o H u o y are ? y a tod Are y ou fine ?
Слайд 4
Phonetic drill th [θ]/[ð] athletics athletes clothes this these
Слайд 5
a poem Sports  Sport is fun for boys and girls  It`s much better than the toys  You can swim and play baseball  Hockey, tennis, basketball  You can jump and you can run  You can have a lot of fun
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• a video
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The topic of our lesson is… “Sports and Olympic Games”
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What will we learn today ? l l i w e W rn … a e l New words We can… e W l l i w rn a e l
Слайд 9
The beginning sportsman - Danil Doronin from Korkino
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Match • badminton [ˈbædmɪntən] • baseball [ˈbɪeɪsbɔːl] • basketball [ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl] • football [ˈfʊtbɔːl] • hockey [ˈhɒkɪ] • rugby [ˈrʌgbɪ] • tennis [ˈtenɪs] • volleyball [ˈvɒlɪbɔːl] • регби • футбол • баскетбол • бейсбол • теннис • волейбол • бадминтон • хоккей
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Match • boxing [ˈbɒksɪŋ] • canoeing [kəˈnuːɪŋ] • ice – skating [aɪs – ˈskeɪtɪŋ] • swimming [ˈswɪmɪŋ] • figure skating [ˈfɪgə ˈskeɪtɪŋ] • cycling [ˈsaɪklɪŋ] • wrestling [ˈreslɪŋ] • гребля на каноэ • катание на коньках • плавание • езда на велосипеде • бокс • борьба • фигурное катание
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Match • athletics [æθˈletɪks]θˈletɪks]letɪks] • gymnastics [ʤɪmˈletɪks]næθˈletɪks]stɪks] • judo [ˈletɪks]ʤuːdəʊ] • karate [kəˈletɪks]rɑːtɪ] • medal [medl] • award [əˈletɪks]wɔːd] • team [] • archery [ˈletɪks]ɑːʧərɪ] • participate [] • легкая атлетика • стрельба из лука • дзюдо • каратэ • гимнастика • награда • медаль • команда • участвовать
Слайд 13
volleyball skiing football play + badminton tennis canoeing athletics athletics judo archery tennis swimming cycling go + play go do do + individual sports Exception: (boxing, wrestling) gymnastics ing canoeing cycling volleyball archery skating judo baseball badminton gymnastics skating skiing
Слайд 14
I like to (play/go/do) … tennis swimming volleyball cycling hockey skiing football skating basketball gymnastics athletics archery judo
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participate participated exist existed watch watched Regular verbs + ed play played Facts and memories from the past Past Simple begin take took Irregular verbs II form do did be was/were have had began Past Simple (negative): didn`t +infinitive didn`t + participate be wasn`t weren`t
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Physical pause Let`s play basketball Let`s play football Let`s go skiing Let`s go swimming Let`s do archery Let`s sit down and work
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The history of the Olympic Games The first Olympic Games were in Ancient Greece in 776 BC. The Olympic Games were only for Greek athletes international athletes didn`t participate. There were events like running, but there weren`t any team sports. 776 – seven hundred seventy-six The winter Olympics began in 1924. There are seven winter sports, including skiing and ice-hockey. 1924 – nineteen and twenty-four The Olympic Games took place in different cities like Athens, Paris, London, Rome, Tokio, Moscow, Sidney, Sochi and Beijing.
Слайд 18
The first Olympic Games were in Ancient Greece in 776 BC. The Olympic Games were only for Greek athletes - international athletes didn`t participate. There were events like running, but there weren`t any team sports. Choose the correct words: The winter Olympics began in 1924. There are seven winter sports, including skiing and ice-hockey 2) There were/ weren`t team sports in the ancient Olympic Games The Olympic Games took place in different cities like Athens, Paris, London, Rome, Tokio, Moscow, Sidney, Sochi and Beijing. 1) International athletes participated /didn`t didn`t participate in ancient Olympic Games 3) The Winter Olympics began/ began didn`t begin in 1924 4) The Olympic Games took place/ place didn`t take place in different cities
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The interview with the beginning sportsman
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a dialogue J: Hello. What is your name? S: Hello, My name is Danil Doronin J: Where are you from? S: I am from Russia, Korkino. J: What sports do you do? S: I do skiing. J: Which cities did the competitions take place? S: The competitions took place in Zlatoust, Miass, Chelyabinsk and Ekaterinburg. J: How many awards do you have? S: I have 9 medals for the 1st, the 2nd, the 3d places. J: Thank you, goodbye. S: Goodbye.
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The interviews with the sportsmen
Слайд 22
Did you like the lesson ? ? W y a hat ca d o t n you rn a e l do no u o y Today I learnt … w? d i d t Wha Now I know … Now I can …

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Автор: Нероева Карина Гаяновна  Публикатор
24.04.2024 0 342 1

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